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Dra. Huang Wei Ling


Hu​ang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncturist, Specialist in ​Infectious Diseases, General Practitioner, ​Specialist in Parenteral and Enteral ​Nutrition and Specialist in Pain ​Management


Huang Wei Ling, Why Do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of ​Infection Prevention and Control Programs? Acta Scientific Microbiol. 2018; 1(4):34-43.

Huang Wei Ling, Can Leptospirosis Be Treated Without Any Kind of Medication? J Clin Rev ​Case Rep. 2018; 3(3):1-4.

Huang Wei Ling, Can the Use of Earrings Cause Eye Pain? J Clin Rev Case Rep. 2018; 3(3):1-​3.

Huang Wei Ling, The Treatment of Asthma Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and ​Homeopathy. J Pediat Infants. 2018; 1(1):24-40.

Huang Wei Ling, Can Recurrent Furunculosis Be Treated Without the Use of Antibiotics? ​Acta Scientific Microbiol. 2018; 1(9):4-12.

Huang Wei Ling, Can Hospital Osteomyelitis Be Treated Without the Use of Antibiotics? ​Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018; 2(2): 1-6.

Huang Wei Ling, Could Postsurgical Nosocomial Cellulitis Be Treated Without the Use of ​Antibiotics? Acta Scientific Microbiol. 2018; 1(9):24-31.

Huang Wei Ling, “How Do You Treat Back Pain in Your Practice? Part 2”, Medical ​Acupunture. 2018; 30(1).

Huang Wei Ling, Treatment for Smoking Addiction Without the Use of Any Medication. J ​Pulm Med Resp ther. 2019; 2(1):18-27.

Huang, Wei Ling. Apex Ear Bloodletting, Restriction of Dairy Products, Psychotropic ​Medication and Energy Disturbances in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular ​Acupuncture – A Double Blind Study. Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders. 2019; ​2(2): 31-42.

Huang, W. L. Energy Alterations and Treatment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Altered Proteinuria, ​ARC Journal of Nephrology. 2019; 4(2):22-32.

Huang Wei Ling, Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia Despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic ​Medication and Insulin? Int J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2019; 4(2):1-14.

Huang Wei Ling, The importance of Chakras and Energy Imbalances Correction in the Prevention and Treatment of ​Gestational Diabetes. ARC Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2019; 5(2):12-20.

Huang Wei Ling, Can We Treat Atopic Dermatitis Without Using Corticosteroids? J Pediat Infants. 2019; 1(2):8-19.

Huang, W. L, Apex Ear Bloodletting, Dietary Counseling and Psychotropic Medication in Patients with Anxiety ​Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study. ARC Journal of Neuroscience. 2019; 4(2):20-26. doi: ​ 0402004.

Huang Wei Ling, Auricular Acupuncture and Chinese Dietary Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic ​Headache. Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders. 2019; 2(2):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, Is It Possible to Treat Community-acquired and Nosocomial Infectious with the Same Method, ​Without the Use of Antibiotics? J Appl Microb Res. 2019; 2(2):1-13.

Huang Wei Ling, Can Biomaterial Surgical Implants Influence the Body’s Health? Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. ​2019; 3(9):62-71.

Huang Wei Ling, Is It Possible to Treat Giant Congenital Hairy Melanocytic Nevus Clinically? J Clin case Rep Trials. ​2019; 2(2):6-13.

Huang, Wei Ling, Why Do Patients Still Have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications? ​Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders. 2019; 2(2): 13-23.

Huang Wei Ling, Can We Treat Urinary Tract Infections Without Using Any Antibiotics? Archives of Infect Diseases ​& Therapy. 2019; 3(2):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, What Is the Cause of Language Impairment in Traditional Chinese Medicine and How Can We ​Treat It? J Clin Case Rep Trials. 2019; 2(2):14-22.

Huang Wei Ling, How to Treat Urinary Incontinence in Women Without Surgery? Androl Gynecol: Curr Res. 2019; 4.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Chronic Conjunctival Hyperemia. Clin Res Ophthalmol. ​2019; 2(2):1-6.

Huang Wei Ling, Can Autoimmune Hepatitis Be Treated Without the Use of Corticosteroids and ​Immunisuppressive Drugs? Acta Scitific Medical Sciences. 2019; 3(7):178-186.

Huang Wei Ling, What Are the Sources of Fibromyalgia and How to Treat It Without Using Anti-​Inflammatory or Anti-Depressant Drugs? Sci J of Gyne and Obste. 2019; 2(2): 1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension. ARC J ​Nephrol. 2019; 4(2):33-44.

Huang Wei Ling, Shoulder and Elbow Tendinitis as Initial Manifestation of Autoimmune ​Hepatitis. ARC Journal of Orthopedics. 2019; 4(2):19-26.

Huang Wei Ling, How Can We Treat Recurrent Herpes Virus Infection Without the Use of ​Antiviral Drugs? Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2019; 3(8):152-159.

Huang Wei Ling, Blood Deficiency as a Cause of Post-Partum Depression on the Mother and ​Giant Congenital Nevus on the Baby. International Journal of Gynaecology Research. 2019; ​1(2):6-10.

Huang Wei Ling, The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy ​Deficiencies in the Treatment of Patients with Glaucoma. Clin Res Ophthalmol. 2019; 2(2):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy ​Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Urticaria Reactions Allergy drugs. Clin immunol. 2019; ​3:118.

Huang Wei Ling, Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies Leading to Chloasma. ​Journal of Dermatology Research Reviews & Reports. 2020; 1(2):1-12.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as the Main Cause of Infertility in Women. Obstet ​Gynecol Int J. 2020;11(2):83-91.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras and Energy Alterations in Patients with Oligospermia. Arch Urol Res. ​2020; 4(1):10-16.

Huang WL. What Do We Need To Know To Prevent And Control Nosocomial Infections ​Completely? Journal of Transmitted Diseases and Immunity. Vol.4 No.3. 2020

Huang, Wei Ling, How to Treat Low Back Pain in Pregnancy without Using any Anti-Inflammatory Medications? Op ​Acc J Bio Sci & Res. 2020; 2(3).

Huang Wei Ling, Can We Treat Children With Chronic Respiratory Tract Infections Without Using Antibiotics? ​Pediatr Res Child Health. 2020; 3(2).

Huang Wei Ling, Invasion of Wind and Cold as Cause of Respiratory Tract Infection Outbreak in a School Kinder ​Garden Group of Kids. Pediatr Res Child Health. 2020; 3(2).

Huang Wei Ling, The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial ​Infarction. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(6):20-27.

Huang, Wei Ling, Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Pathophysiology of Bell’s Palsy. J Neurol ​Exp Neural Sci. 2020; 3(1):140.

Huang Wei Ling, Energy Disturbances in Panic Syndrome and How Can We Teat It in Adolescence? J Neurol Exp ​Neural. 2020; 3(1):139.

Huang Wei Ling, Energy Alterations Leading Do Dyspnea in Patients with Mitral Valve Stenosis. Acta Scientific ​Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(6):95-101.

Huang Wei Ling, Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replenishment to Treat Patients with Urinary Incontinence ​and Sexual Dysfunction Post-Cancer Prostatectomy. J Androl Gynaecol. 2020; 8(1):7.

Huang Wei Ling, The Importance of Correcting Chakras Energy Centers Alterations to Prevent Pacemaker Indication. ​Acta Scientific Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(6):102-109.

Huang Wei Ling, Constitutional Homeopathy of Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acta Scientific ​Medical Sciences. 2020; 4(7):57-69.

Huang Wei Ling, Auricular Acupuncture and Chinese Dietary Counseling in The Treatment of Insomnia. Archives of ​Neurology and Neuro Disorders. 2020; 3(1):1-11.

Huang WL. The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer. 3(1): 2020. ACRCI.MS.ID.000551. DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2020.02.000551.

Huang Wei Ling, Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-inflammatory ​Medications. International Journal of Orthopaedics Research. 2020; 2(2):21-27.

Huang Wei Ling, Can We Treat Nasal Congestion in Patients with Deviated Septum Without Performing ​Surgery? Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 2020;2(9):47-54.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras Energy Alterations in Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat it without ​Surgery. Surg Med Open Acc J. 2020;3(5).

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of ​Radiation-induced Rectal Bleeding Post-Prostate Cancer Surgery. Clin J Surg 2020;3(2):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Kidney Cancer. Clin Res Urol ​2020;3(2):1-10.

Huang Wei Ling. Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent ​Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments. Clinic Res Urol 2020;3(2):1-8.

Huang WL. How to Treat Benign Penile Tumor and Peyronie’s Disease with the Same Method?. J Androl ​Gynaecol. 2020;8(1): 4.

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as Underlying Cause of ​Essential Tremors. Clin Res Neurol 2020;3(2):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras’ Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis. Gastro Open A Open J. ​2020; 1(1): 20-25.

Huang WL. Energies Alterationsand Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as one of the Causesof Psoriasis. ​Clinic Res Dermatol 2020;3(2):1-9

Huang WL. Energies Imbalancesand Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in the Treatment ofAcne. Clinic Res ​Dermatol 2020;3(2):1-

Huang Wei Ling, Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter ​without the Use of Antibiotics? Dialysis Trans OA 2020;3(2):180020.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One of the Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women. ​Journal of Womens Health and Reproductive Medicine. 2020; 4(3):2-8.

Huang Wei Ling, How Can You Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis without Using Corticosteroids and ​Immunosuppressive Medications? Archives of Anesthesiology. 2020; 3(2):19-30.

Huang Wei Ling, Energies and Chakras’ Replenishment in Prevention and Treatment of Patients ​with Atypical Pap Cells Exam. J Womens Health Care Manage. 2020;1(2);108.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction ​without Arterial Obstruction. Online Journal of Cardiology Research & Reports. 2021; 4(5).

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Sub ​Retinal Fluid Retention in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. EC Ophthalmology. 2021; 12(2).

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One Cause of ​Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women. Journal of Womens Health Care and Management. ​2021;1(2):114-121.

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patients with ​Chronic Constipation. J Gastro & Digestive Systems. 2021;4(3):51-58.

Huang Wei Ling, Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Crohn’s ​Disease. J Gastro & Digestive Systems. 2021;4(3):44-50.

Huang Wei Ling, Is it Possible to Treat Community and Nosocomial Bacterial Infections, Herpes ​Virus Infections, Dengue Virus, Fungus Infections and Leptospirosis with the Same Method and ​Without the Use of Any Drugs? Acta Scientific Microbiology. 2021;4(1):21-32.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 ​Treatment. Journal of Infectious Diseases & Case Reports. 2021;2(1):1-9.

Huang Wei Ling, Chakras’ Energies Replenishment in the Treatment of Addiction in Marijuana. ​Journal of Psychiatry Research Reviews & Reports. 2021;3(1):1-7.

Huang Wei Ling. “Are The Medications That We Are Prescribing To Our Patients Harming ​Them?”. 2021; 6(1):11-13. DOI:

Huang Wei Ling, Can we cure our patients in palliative care? (2021) Int J Cancer Res Ther, 6 ​(2):29-32.

Huang W. Ling (2021) Can We Cure Cancer without Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy or Surgery? J. ​Clinical Cancer and Oncology Research. 1(1): DOI: 10.31579/2641-5194/008

Huang Wei Ling (2021) What Do All Autoimmune Diseases Have in Common?. J Clin Exp ​Immunol, 6(3): 301-304

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Why Patients with Panic Syndrome Do Not Improve Their Symptoms ​When Using Psychotropic Medications? Aca J CliPsy & Men Heal, Volume 1: issue 1: 1-6.

Huang WL (2021). Why Some Patients Do Not Get Better with the Drugs They Use to Treat ​Endocrine Disorders. SunText Rev Endocrine Care 1(1): 103.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) The Pulmonary Manifestations in COVID-19 Really Caused by the Virus?. ​Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-116.

Huang WL. “Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection ​Patients Treatment". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.6 (2021): 91-108.

Huang WL (2021) Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of ​Rhinitis. J Immuno Immunothe 4: 009.

Huang WL. Energies alterations and Chakras’ energies deficiencies in patient with ulcerative ​colitis. Gastro Open A Open J. 2021; 2(1): 35-42.

Huang WL. Why is Infertility So High Among Couples Nowadays? J Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2021 ​June 03; 2(6): 447-449

Ling HW. What have behind in all kinds of infections that we need to know? Journal of ​Investigative Oncology 2021; 1(1): 18-21.

Huang Wei Ling. “Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-​CoV-2 Infection". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.4 (2021): 167-196.

Huang W. “Chakras ’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without ​Arterial Obstruction”. Cardiology Research and Reports 4.5 (2021): 1-10.

Huang WL. Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Fatigue during Hemodialysis. ​Dialysis Trans OA 2021, 4(1): 180023.

Huang Wei Ling*. Why Chronic Headache Patients Do Not Improve Symptoms by Taking Pain ​Control Medications?. On J Neur & Br Disord 5(5)- 2021. OJNBD.MS.ID.000222. DOI: ​10.32474/OJNBD.2021.05.000222

Huang WL. Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of postpartum bell´s palsy. Obstet ​Gynecol Int J. 2021;12(2):81‒87.DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2021.12.00556

Huang Wei Ling. Is the Medication used in Intubation of Patients with Covid-19 Affecting the ​Outcome of the Patient’s Treatment?. Archives of Anesthesiology. 2021; 4(1): 01-03

Huang W. Ling (2021) Why Patients with Chronic Gastritis Do Not Get Better with the ​Prescription Drugs Now a days? J. Gastroenterology Pancreatology and Hepatobilary Disorders. ​5(3).

Huang WL. Why Medications Used Nowadays are Harmful to Our Health? Archives of ​Anesthesiology ISSN: 2638-4736 | Volume 4, Issue 1, 2021. 2638-​4736.0401002

Huang Wei Ling. “Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past?". Acta Scientific Clinical ​Case Reports 2.6 (2021).

Huang WL (2021) Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for ​COVID 19? J Vaccines Res Vaccin 7: 018.

Ling HW. What Negative Effects Can Hormones Used Continuously Cause to the Patient?. J ​Biomed Res Environ Sci. 2021 June 18; 2(6): 493-495. doi: 10.37871/jbres1265, Article ID: ​JBRES1265

WL Huang. (2021) Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Dementia Patients. J ​Neurol Sci Res. 2(1):1-30.

Huang Wei Ling. Why Hypertensive Patients are Considered Today a Risk Group for COVID- 19?. ​Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 36(4)-2021. BJSTR. MS.ID.005896.

Huang Wei Ling. “What Do We Have to Know In The Treatment of Diabetes Patients Nowadays?”. ​ARC Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2021; 7(1):9-12. DOI:​5983.0701002.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) What Is the Relationship between Diabetic Patients and Greater ​Propensity to COVID-19? Int J Diabetes Metab Disord 6(1): 157-159.

Huang Wei Ling. Are the Vaccines the Only Solution to Control COVID-19 Pandemic?. Vaccines ​Vacccin 2021, 6(1): 000152.

Huang Wei Ling. “Is there a Greater Risk in the Use of Hormones Nowadays?". Acta Scientific ​Women's Health 3.8 (2021): 08-10.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Are the Skin Problems After COVID-19 Still Related to SARS-CoV-2 ​Infection?. Journal of Dermatology and Skin Therapy 1: 3-4.

Huang Wei Ling. “What do we Need to Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic?". Acta Scientific ​Microbiology 4.8 (2021): 57-64.

Huang WL. Why Diabetic Patients are More Likely to Get Hospital Infection?. J Adv Tech Endo ​Research 2021, 3(1): 180008.

Huang Wei Ling. “What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation?". ​Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.8 (2021): 01-04.

Huang Wei Ling. “Lockdown - Can this Solve Our Problem?". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.9 ​(2021).

Huang Wei Ling. “What are the Prone Factors for the Patient to have Mucormycosis?". Acta ​Scientific Clinical Case Reports 2.8 (2021): 26-31.

Huang Wei Ling. “What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without ​COVID-19?". Acta Scientific Neurology 4.8 (2021): 01-05.

Huang WL (2021) Is SARS-CoV- 2 Strong or Our Body Is Weak? J Virol Viral Dis 1(1). Doi ​

Huang WL. What Are the Markers That Predict the Development of Having Cancer in the Future ​Without Laboratory or Radiological Tests? Journal of Cancer and Cancer Prevention 1(1): doi ​

Huang W L. Why Insomnia Patients Do Not Sleep Even When Taking Sleep Inducers ​Medications?. Open Access J Neurol Neurosurg 2021; 15(4): 555916. DOI: ​10.19080/OAJNN.2021.15.555916

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Are the Changes that Generate Diabetic Retinopathy Really Inside the ​Eye?. Journal of Diabetes Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JDRR-150

Huang Wei Ling. (2021) How to Improve the Sex Life of Women without Using Hormones?. J. ​Women Health Care and Issues. 5(1); DOI:10.31579/2642-9756/074

Huang WL. How is the Mechanism of Immunodeficiency Caused by Metallic Implants and What ​Can they Cause when Inside the Patient's Body?. Ann Immunol Immunother 2021, 3(2): 000149.

Huang WL. The Influence of Cell Phones and Computers on Our Immune System. Ann Immunol ​Immunother 2021, 3(2): 000141.

Huang Wei Ling. (2021). “What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical ​Patients?” Journal of Medicine and Surgical Sciences 3.2.

Huang WL (2021) Why Patients with Spider Veins in The Leg Have Recurrence of Their ​Conditions By Using Sclerotherapy Or Other Kinds of Treatment Recommended Nowadays? J ​Vasc Med Surg. 9: 426

Huang Wei Ling. “Why Frozen Shoulder Patients Do Not Improve Their Pain Using ​AntiInflammatory Medications?’’. J Orthopaedic Research andSurgery, 2(4); DOI: ​http;//

Huang Wei Ling. “What Measures Can We Take to Prevent COVID-19 Infection in Pregnant ​Women?". Acta Scientific Women's Health 3.11 (2021): 34-37.

Huang WL. How is the Mechanism of Immunodeficiency Caused by Metallic Implants and What ​Can they Cause when Inside the Patient's Body?. Ann Immunol Immunother 2021, 3(2): 000149.

Huang Wei Ling. “What Is Behind All the Pulmonary Thromboembolism That We Need to ​Know?” MAR Pulmonology 3.4

Huang Wei Ling. “Is the Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce ​the Transmission or Not?". Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.9 (2021): 63-68.

Huang Wei Ling. “Does the Use of Piercing Can Harm Health and Lead to Obesity?". Acta ​Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.9 (2021): 29-32.

Huang Wei Ling. What is Behind Every Fracture We Need to Know?. Glob J Ortho Res. 3(4): 2021. ​GJOR.MS.ID.000566. DOI: 10.33552/GJOR.2021.03.000566.

Huang WL. Why do Patients Seem to be Older After COVID-19 Treatment?. A Epi demiol Public ​Health. 2021; 4(1): 1067.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Why Is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice for Treating Diseases in ​Elderly Patients. J Clin Trials Res Ethics 1(1).

Huang WL. How Can We Prevent COVID-19 And Other Diseases at The Same Time? Journal Of ​Molecular Microbiology. Vol 5. 2021.

Ling HW (2021). Why are Pediatric Patients being infected with Sars-Cov-2 and Becoming Sick?. ​SunText Rev Pediatr Care 2(1): 118.

Huang Wei Ling. Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Congestive Heart Failure. On J ​Cardio Res & Rep. 6(2): 2021. OJCR. MS.ID.000631. DOI: 10.33552/OJCR.2021.06.000631.

Huang Wei Ling. “Why is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice in the Treatment of All Kinds of ​Diseases Nowadays?". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.11 (2021): 66-70

Huang WL (2021) Why Do Patients Still Have the Potential to Transmit COVID-19 Despite ​Receiving Vaccinations? Int J Vaccine Immunizat 5(1):

Huang Wei Ling. "Why Patients with Depression do Not Improve the Symptoms with ​Antidepressant Medications?". J Health Med Res, 2021,3(6), 001-002.

Huang WL (2021) Can Feeding Errors Induce Epilepsy in Children and in Adults? J Neurol Crit ​Care 1(1): doi

Huang Wei Ling. “Does In Vitro Studies Demonstrate the Same Drug Action on the Patient?". Acta ​Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.9 (2021): 25-28.

Huang Wei Ling. “How Can We Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Without Doing Surgery?". Acta ​Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.9 (2021): 10-11

Huang WL. How Can We Give Hope for Cancer Patients to Cure This Disease? TMR Cancer . ​2021;4( 4):1 6. doi: 10.53388/TMRC20180010 7

Wei Ling H. What Are the Foods We Need to Avoid in Acute COVID-19 Infection? Glob Nutri Heal ​Food Sci J. 2021;1(1):1–4. DOI: 10.53902/GNHFSJ.2021.01.000501

Ling HW (2021) What Should We Avoid Eating To Increase Fertility? J Rep Endo Infert. Vol.6 No.5: ​29.

Huang Wei Ling. (2021) What Are the Energy Alterations Involved in A Woman with Premature ​Menopause That We Need to Know?. J. Women Health Care and Issues. 4(8); DOI:10.31579/2642-​9756/086

Huang WL. “Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One of the Causes of Anosmia and Loss of Taste in ​SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patients”. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.5 (2021): 73-89.

Huang WL. Energy Imbalances and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as One of the Cause of ​Tachycardia. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 6(2): 2021. OJCRR.MS.ID.000634. DOI: ​10.33552/OJCRR.2021.06.000634.)

Huang Wei Ling. (2021) How Can We Treat Endometrial Polyp Without Using Curettage?. J. ​Women Health Care and Issues. 4(7); DOI:10.31579/2642-9756/099

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Energy Deficiency Causing Immunodeficiency and Formation of Warts in ​Fingers. Journal of Immunology Research & Reports. SRC/JIRR-107. DOI: ​

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Energy Deficiency Leading to Predisposition of Formation of Malignant ​Ovary Tumor Secondary to Chronic Use of Hormones to Treat Acne. Integr Gyn Obstet J Volume ​4(3): 1-8.

Huang Wei Ling. (2021). Energy Alterations in Obese Patients. Obese. 1(1):1.

Huang Wei Ling. (2021) What Are the Other Energy Functions of the Heart That We Need To ​Know Besides It Being A Blood Pump?. J. Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, ​4(15); Doi:10.31579/2641-0419/218.

Huang Wei Ling. What is the Relationship Between Diabetes and Obesity from an Energy ​Perspective. Interventions Obes Diabetes 5(4). IOD. 000618. 2021. DOI: ​10.31031/IOD.2021.05.000618

Huang WL. How is the Mechanism of Immunodeficiency Caused by Metallic Implants and What ​Can they Cause when Inside the Patient's Body?. Ann Immunol Immunother 2021, 3(2): 000149.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) What Is the Relationship between Diabetic Patients and Greater ​Propensity to COVID-19? Int J Diabetes Metab Disord 6(1): 157-159.

Huang Wei Ling. “How Can We Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Without Doing Surgery?". Acta ​Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.9 (2021): 10-11

Huang W. Ling (2021) Why Patients with Chronic Gastritis Do Not Get Better with the ​Prescription Drugs Now a days? J. Gastroenterology Pancreatology and Hepatobilary Disorders. ​5(3).

Huang WL. Chakras’ and energy deficiencies in the genesis of breast cancer. Obstet Gynecol Int J. ​2021;12(2):53‒62. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2021.12.00551

Huang W Ling. (2021) What We Need to Do to Improve Our Immune System Despite the Use of ​Vaccination for COVID-19?. Biomedical Research and Clinical Reviews. 5(1); DOI: 10.31579/2692-​9406/081

Huang Wei Ling. “What Do We Need to Understand in Patients with Teeth Bone Loss to Do Not to ​Cause Further Damage?”. EC Dental Science 20.8 (2021): 68-71.

Huang WL. Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice In The Prevention And Treatment of ​COVID-19 Infection? Clinical Medicine and Health Research Journal Vol-1, Iss-1 July-Aug 2021.

Ling HW (2021) Why Patients with Spider Veins in the Leg Do Not Improve Their Conditions by ​Having Surgery or Other Procedures to Remove Their Veins? J Vasc Med Surg. 9: 421.

Huang Wei Ling (2021) Why Patients With Depression Do Not Improve their Symptoms When ​Using Anti-Depressant Medications? Intern Jour psych 6(2): 54-62.

Huang WL. Strabismus after Cerebral Spastic Paralysis Sequelae of Bacterial Meningitis Treated ​with Acupuncture. Clin Res Ophthalmol 2021;4(1):1-7.

Huang Wei Ling. “Memory and Concentration Impairment in Children in the COVID-19 ​Pandemic". Acta Scientific Neurology 5.1 (2022): 01-05.

Huang, W. L. (2022). Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID-​19 Treatment. J. Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions, 5(2); DOI:10.31579/2641-​0419/243.

Huang Wei Ling (2022). Severe Urticaria Reaction in Energy Deficient Patient Post-COVID-19 ​Vaccine. Dermatology and Dermatitis. 7(1); DOI:10.31579/2578-8949/090.

Huang Wei Ling (2022) Energy Alterations in Patients with Pulmonary Artery Thrombosis After ​COVID-19 Treatment. Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-134. DOI: ​

Huang WL. “What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections ​Completely? - Part 2”.Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.4 (2022): 33-47.

Huang WL (2022) Energy Alterations in Patient with Deep Vein Thrombosis and what do we ​Need to in Addition to the Use of AntiCoagulant Medications? J Vasc Surg. 10:442.

Huang, W. L, D Juste, D Berenice, A Nadege, at el. (2022) Epidemiological profile of tumor ​dermatoses in the hospital setting in Cotonou (Benin) from 2009 to 2018. J. Dermatology and ​Dermatitis. 7(2); DOI:10.31579/2578-8949/100

Huang Wei Ling. “Is Glaucoma a Local or Systemic Disease?”. EC Ophthalmology 13.2 (2022)

Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Children with Insomnia and What Can We Do to Improve ​Their Sleep”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics 5.5 (2022): 01-03

Huang WL. Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and ​Headache?. Arch Neurol & Neurosci. 12(1):2022. ANN.MS.ID.000779. DOI: ​10.33552/ANN.2022.12.000779

Huang, W. L, (2022) Energy Alterations in Patients with Dizziness and How Can We Treat This ​Condition Without Using Common Medications?. Clinical Trials and Case Studies.1(1); ​DOI:10.31579/ 2835-835X/005

Ling HW (2022) Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Dissecting Aortic Aneurysms and ​What are the Clinical Measurements to Prevent Worsening the Dissection? J Vasc Surg. 10:443.

Huang WL. “Should Only Psychotropic Medication and Antibiotics be Controlled Use? And the ​Others?". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.7 (2022):

Huang, W. L Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain ​Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. (2022) ​Are Patients Without Surgical Risks Really Without Surgical Risk? J, Surgical Case Reports and ​Images 5(3); DOI:10.31579/2690-1897/109

Huang WL (2022) Is It True That Kidney Failure Diagnosed At The Laboratory Test Level Shows ​That The Problem Is Really In The Kidney?. SunText Rev Renal Sci 1(1): 103.

Huang Wei Ling. “Can Wrong Eating Habits Lead to or Worsen Ophthalmological Diseases?”. EC ​Ophthalmology 13.12 (2022): 20-24

Huang WL. Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis. Glob J Ortho Res. 3(5): ​2022. GJOR.MS.ID.000574. DOI:10.33552/GJOR.2022.03.000574

Huang WL*. What Is the Difference Between Treating the Energy Alterations and Not Just Treating ​the Symptoms in Cardiology Patients?. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 7(1): 2022. OJCRR.MS.ID.000652. ​DOI: 10.33552/OJCRR.2022.06.000652

Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Patients with Abdominal Pain". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal ​Disorders 5.7 (2022): 38-48

Ling, H. W. (2022). How I Discovered That Treating the Root of All Problems Could Also Treat ​Cancer. Int J Cancer Res Ther, 7(4), 213-215.

Huang, W. L. (2022). Energy Alterations in Lesbians with Low Libido. Adv Sex Reprod Health Res, ​1(1), 81-83.

Huang WL. Energy Deficiency in Chakras as the Main Cause of Chronic Interstitial Cystitis. J Urol ​Nephrol 2022, 7(4): 000218.

Huang Wei Ling. Why is SARS-CoV-2 Infection Just the “Tip of an Iceberg”? J Immunol Res Infect ​Dis. (2022);2(1): 1-3

Huang, W. L., Lopes, G. H., (2022). Malignant Ovarian Cancer Secondary to the Chronic Use of ​Mirena Intrauterine Device. Int J Cancer Res Ther, 7(3), 163-171

Huang WL. “Is it Really Necessary to Remove the Metal Plate When an Infectious Process in the ​Bone Does Not Resolve with Clinical Treatement?". Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 5.10 (2022): 32-​35

Huang WL*. Can The Use of Chemotherapy Induce More Formation of Metastases in Patients ​with Cancer?. Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. 3(4): 2022. ACRCI.MS.ID.000568. DOI: ​10.33552/ACRCI.2022.02.000568

Huang, W. L. (2022). Pyomyositis after COVID-19 vaccine and Why Does This infectious Not ​Respond to Antibiotics Treatment?. Archives of Infect Diseases & Therapy, 6(2), 189-199

Huang WL. “Why is Highly Diluted Oral “Vaccine” For COVID-19 the Safest Option in this ​Pandemic?". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.9 (2022): 127-163.

Huang W. L (2022) Energy Alterations in Patient with Malignant Thyroid Tumor and How Can ​We Treat It without Doing Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, Journal of Clinical ​Otorhinolaryngology 4(3); DOI: 10.31579/2692-9562/048

Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Children with Urinary Tract Infection and How Can We Treat ​Without Using Antibiotics". Acta Scientific Paediatrics 5.11 (2022): 22-31.

Huang Wei Ling (2022) What do we Need to do to Avoid Intubation in Patients with Respiratory ​Failure Due to SARS-CoV-2 Infection?. Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-​140. DOI:

Huang W. L. Energy Alterations in Patient with Fibromyalgia and How Can We Treat Without ​Using Anti-Inflammatory Medications. Adv clin anest med. 2022; 1(3): 1-8.

Huang Wei Ling and Ferreira SA. “Energy Imbalances Related to Alveolar Bone Loss in Teeth and ​How We Can Treat it without Bone Grafting”. EC Dental Science 21.8 (2022): 57-77.

Huang WL. Immunodeficiency Generated by Energy Deficiency as the Cause of NonImprovement ​of Nosocomial Osteomyelitis in the Knee Post Motorcycle Accident. Ann Immunol Immunother ​2022, 4(2): 000168.

Huang WL. “Should Only Psychotropic Medication and Antibiotics be Controlled Use? And the ​Others?". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.7 (2022): 160-162

Huang Wei Ling. “How Can We Prevent the Formation of Metastasis in Patients with Cancer?". ​Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 6.7 (2022): 01-03

Huang Wei Ling. “What is Behind All Hernia Formations that We Need to Know?". Acta Scientific ​Clinical Case Reports 3.3 (2022): 01-03

Huang Wei Ling (2022) Which Are the Energy Imbalances Behind Children with Chronic ​Nosebleed?. J. Clinical Pediatrics and Mother Health, 2(1); DOI:10.31579/jcpmh.2022/017

Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection”. ​EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 11.1 (2022): 82-93.

Huang Wei Ling (2022). Energy Alterations in Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. J. Clinical ​Orthopedics and Trauma Care, 4(1); DOI:10.31579/2694-0248/020

Huang Wei Ling. “What a Doctor Has to Know About Every Patient Who Arrives at An Emergency ​Unit Nowadays". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.9 (2022): 123-126.

Huang WL. “What kind of medicine do we need to use nowadays?". Acta Scientific Clinical Case ​Reports 3.5 (2022): 23-25

Huang Wei Ling. (2022) “Energy Alterations in Patients with Keratoconus”, Ophthalmology and ​Vision Care, 2(2); DOI: http;//

Huang Wei Ling (2022). What Are the Other Energy Functions of The Kidney Besides Filtering the ​Blood?. International Journal of Clinical Nephrology. 4(3); DOI:10.31579/2834-5142/044

Huang WL. “Is it Possible to Treat Most Diseases Nowadays without Using Any Currently Used ​Medication?". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 4.1 (2023): 01-05.

Huang WL. “Why Anti-Inflammatory Medications Are Not Recommended to Treat Headaches as ​a Manifestation of COVID-19?". Acta Scientific Neurology 6.1 (2023): 58-62.

Huang WL. “What Do All Digestive Diseases Have in Common?". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal ​Disorders 6.1 (2023): 29-31.

Huang WL. Can Wearing Earrings Cause Headaches? BOHR International Journal of Neurology ​and Neuroscience. 2023, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1–2

Huang, W.L. (2023). Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The ​COVID-19 Vaccine. Int J Cancer Res Ther, 8(1), 01-18.

Huang WL. Energy Alterations in Patients with Prostate Cancer and How Can We Treat This ​Condition to Cure Them?. J Urol Nephrol 2023, 8(1): 000224.

Huang WL. “Can the Medications we Use Make us More Likely to Have Cancer in the Future?". ​Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 4.3 (2023): 01-02.

Huang WL*. Do The Laboratory Tests Request as Chemotherapy Control Really Reflect That the ​Patient Can Continue Chemotherapy?. Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. 3(5): 2023. ​ACRCI.MS.ID.000571. DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2023.02.000571.

Huang WL. “Could Patients Scheduled for Surgery Be Much Better Off with Clinical Treatment to ​Cure Their Illnesses?". PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice 1.3 (2023): 37-40

Huang Wei Ling*. Chest Pain in a Patient with All Normal Cardiologic Exams Can Exclude That ​the Patient is Not LifeThreatening?. On J Cardio Res & Rep. 7(2): 2023. OJCRR.MS.ID.000657. ​DOI: 10.33552/OJCRR.2023.07.000657

Is the Information That Patients Have on The Internet in The Medical Field Safe for The Type of ​Population We Have Today?

What Care Should We Have in A Puerperal Woman According to Ancient Medical Traditions?

Huang WL*. Can Malignant Cancer Worsen with The Use of Radiation Methods of Diagnosis?. ​Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. 3(5): 2023. ACRCI.MS.ID.000573. DOI: ​10.33552/ACRCI.2023.02.000573.

Huang W L*. Energy Alterations of Elderly Patients That Developed Herpes Zoster After Receiving ​COVID-19 Vaccine.. Glob J Aging Geriatr Res. 2(2): 2023. GJAGR.MS.ID.000535. DOI: ​10.33552/GJAGR.2023.02.000535

Huang, W. L. (2023). Is There a Need to Surgically Remove the Breast When the Clinical ​Treatment Is Radiologically Proven That There Has Been Complete Disappearance of The Breast ​Cancer. Int J Cancer Res Ther, 8(1), 24-26.

Huang WL. Energy Alterations in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and How can we ​Treat this Condition without Using Surgery?. J Urol Nephrol 2023, 8(2): 000233.

Huang WL. To Know Which Type of Medication We Need to Prescribe, We Need to Know the ​Type of Population that We Have Nowadays. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health ​Sciences, 2023, 14(01), 285–287

Huang Wei Ling (2023) Energy Alterations in Patients that are Presenting Elevation of D-Dimer ​after Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. Journal of Cardiology. Research Reviews & Reports. ​SRC/JCRRR-190. DOI:

Huang, W. L. (2023). A Sequence of Errors in the Collection of Urine Tests Can Generate a Big ​Problem for Humanity. Archives of Infect Diseases & Therapy, 7(1), 50-51.

Huang Wei Ling (2023). Energy Alterations in Patients with Pain in All Teeth, J Clin Den & Oral ​Care. 1(1),01-10.

Huang, W. L. (2023). Energy Alterations in Patients with Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2. Int J ​Diabetes Metab Disord, 8(2), 331-343

Huang W L*. Do the Commandments of Hippocrates Serve for Ophthalmological Pathologies?. W ​J Opthalmol & Vision Res. 4(5): 2023. WJOVR.MS.ID.000597. DOI: ​10.33552/WJOVR.2023.04.000597.

Huang WL. Clinical Characteristics of Children in This New Global Immunodeficiency. Ann ​Immunol Immunother 2023, 5(2): 000174.

Huang WL. Clinical Characteristics of Adults Patients Considered Immunosuppressed in this New ​Global Immunodeficiency. Ann Immunol Immunother 2023, 5(2): 000175.

Huang WL. New Global Immunodeficiency. Ann Immunol Immunother 2023, 5(1): 000173

Huang WL*. Energy Alterations in Patient with Spontaneous Femur Fracture Post Metastasis of ​Thyroid Cancer After Three Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine. Glob J Ortho Res. 4(4): 2023. ​GJOR.MS.ID.000590. DOI: 10.33552/GJOR.2023.04.000590.

Huang WL. Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Interstitial Cystitis Predisposing Them to ​Have Bladder Cancer. J Urol Nephrol 2023, 8(2): 000235.

Huang WL (2023). Energy Alterations in Patients with Hypertension and Why the Use of Piercing ​Can Worsen It?. SunText Rev Renal Sci 2(1): 113.

Huang Wei Ling (2023) Why Patients Do Not Respond to Anti-Hypertensive Medications When ​their Systemic Pressure is High? . Journal of Cardiology Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JCRRR-​206. DOI:

Huang WL. Energy Alterations in Male Patients with Erectile Dysfunction and Why the Use of ​Medications to Correct it is Dangerous for Their Health?. J Urol Nephrol 2023, 8(4): 000243.

Huang WL. Energy Alterations in Animals in this New Era. Int J Zoo Animal Biol 2023, 6(6): ​000522.

Huang WL*. Energy Alterations in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and What Is the Impact on ​Their Treatment?. On J Neur & Br Disord 7(1)- 2023. OJNBD.MS.ID.000251. DOI: ​10.32474/OJNBD.2023.07.000251

Huang WL*. Energy Alterations in Patients with Gastric Cancer. Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. ​4(2): 2023. ACRCI. MS.ID.000581. DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2023.04.000581

Huang, W. L. (2023). What are the Risk Factors for the Development of Metastasis in Patients ​with Cancer After Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine. Int J Cancer Res Ther, 8(3), 85-99.

Huang, W. L (2024), Otorhinolaryngological Characteristics of Patients with Current Global ​Immunodeficiency, Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology, 6(1); DOI:10.31579/2692-9562/106

Huang WL. “A Story of Faith To Cure Gastric Cancer". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders ​6.10 (2023): 29-30

Huang WL. As said by Hippocrates, can we treat the patient and not the disease using ​acupuncture? J Microbiol Exp. 2023;11(3):86‒88. DOI: 10.15406/jmen.2023.11.00394

Huang W L*. Do the Commandments of Hippocrates Serve for Ophthalmological Pathologies?. W ​J Opthalmol & Vision Res. 4(5): 2023. WJOVR.MS.ID.000597. DOI: ​10.33552/WJOVR.2023.04.000597

Huang WL. “Why Do French Academies Call for The End of Homeopathy in Public Health?". Acta ​Scientific Medical Sciences 7.8 (2023): 191-197

Huang W L (2023) Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Cough. Journal of Pulmonology ​Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-149. DOI:

Huang Wei Ling, (2023), Energy Alterations in Patients in Hemodialysis with Thrombosis in the ​Arteriovenous Fistula and How Can We Prevent This Complication?, International Journal of ​Clinical Nephrology. 5(1); DOI:10.31579/2834-5142/055

Huang, W. L, (2023). Why Is Every Cancer Only the “Tip” of The Iceberg? Journal of Clinical ​Oncology Reports.2(3).DOI: 10.58489/2836-5062/011.

Huang WL (2023) Does What Hippocrates Said in Antiquity Apply Today to Dermatological ​Pathologies?. Adv Res Dermatol Cosmetics 2: 1013

Huang Wei Ling. “What Care Should We Have in a Puerperal Woman According to Ancient ​Medical Traditions?”. EC Gynaecology 12.4 (2023):71-75.

Huang WL. Which Are the Energy Alterations in the Patient Necessary to Form a Hospital ​Infection? Euro J Immuno Res 2(1): 104 DOI:

Huang WL. “Could Patients Scheduled for Surgery Be Much Better Off with Clinical Treatment to ​Cure Their Illnesses?". PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice 1.3 (2023): 37-40

Huang, W.L.(2023). Is It Necessary To Know Which Pathogen Is Causing The Flu Process In The ​Patient? Euro J Immuno Res. 2(1):103

Huang W L. Energy Alterations in a Cat with Diabetes and How Can We Treat this Condition ​When Insulin is not Controlling Hyperglycemia?. Arch Anim Poult Sci. 2022; 2(1): 555576. DOI: ​10.19080/AAPS.2022.02.555576

Huang Wei Ling. “Can Wrong Eating Habits Lead or Worse the Ophthalmology Diseases?”. EC ​Ophthalmology 13.12 (2022).

Huang WL. What Does the Development of a New Drug Depend On? The Type of Disease or The ​Type of Patient?. Nov Appro Drug Des Dev. 2023; 6(4): 555692. DOI: ​10.19080/NAPDD.2023.06.555692

Huang Wei Ling (2024) Energy Alterations In Patients With Burnout Syndrome. J Psych and ​Neuroche Res 2(1), 01-09

Huang, W. L. (2024). Is It Possible to Treat Multi-Resistant Bacteria Nowadays Without Using ​Any Kind of Antibiotics?. Archives of Infect Diseases & Therapy, 8(1), 01-04.

Huang WL. Can Animals Predict that their Owner is Ill?. Int J Zoo Animal Biol 2024, 7(2): 000567.

Huang Wei Ling (2024) Can The Medications We Are Prescribing Cause Myocardial Infarction?. ​Journal of Cardiology Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JCRRR-214. DOI: ​

Huang WL. Clinical Characteristics of Women in this New Global Immunodeficiency. Ann ​Immunol Immunother 2024, 6(1): 000185

Huang W. Ling, (2024), Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Headaches and How Can We ​Treat This Condition Without Using Pain Killers?, J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery, ​14(2); DOI:10.31579/2578-8868/306

Huang, W. L. (2024). Is It Possible to Treat Multi-Resistant Bacteria Nowadays Without Using ​Any Kind of Antibiotics?. Archives of Infect Diseases & Therapy, 8(1), 01-04.

Huang Wei Ling. “Why are All Eye Problems Only the “Tip of the Iceberg”?”. EC Ophthalmology ​15.3 (2024): 01-05.

Huang WL. “Why Are We Facing So Many Patients with Cancer Nowadays?”.Acta Scientific ​Cancer Biology 8.2 (2024): 08-11.

Huang WL. “What is the Other Factor that is Inducing Functional Constipation in our Patients ​that we Need to Know?". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 7.2 (2024): 07-09

Huang Wei Ling. Energy Alterations in Patient with Acute Pancreatitis. J Gastro Endosc. 2023. ​1(2): 1-6. DOI:

Huang, W. L. (2024). Energy Alterations in Patients with Tonsil Cancer. Int J Cancer Res Ther, ​9(1), 11-16.

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