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Dra. Huang Wei Ling

Hu​ang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncturist, Specialist in ​Infectious Diseases, General Practitioner, ​Specialist in Parenteral and Enteral ​Nutrition and Specialist in Pain ​Management

Congresses / Conferenses / Webinars


2nd International Conference on Infectious Diseases March 5-6, 2020

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post Sars-Cov-2 Infection Patients ​Treatment

* Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent ​Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments.

Microbiology webinar 2021, March 19-20, 2020

* Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter ​without the Use of Antibiotics?

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent ​Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments.

15th Global Women's Health, Pediatrics & Nursing Summit, 2020

* Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Postpartum Bell´s Palsy

* Can the Mother's Diet Influence the Infant's Colic?

Global Webinar on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, 2020

* Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Patients with Anxiety Treated with ​Auricular Acupuncture – A Double Blind Study

* Medication, Apex Ear Bloodletting, and Diet in Patients with Depression Treated with ​Auricular Acupuncture – A Double Blind Study

Gynecology Anju Panda, 2020

* Chakra’s energy deficiency as the main cause of infertility in women

* Energies and Chakras Replenishment in Prevention and Treatment of Patients with Atypical Pap Cells Exam

* How to treat urinary incontinence in women without surgery?

Infectious Diseases Virtual, 2020

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection ​Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments

* Can Hospital Osteomyelitis be treated without the Use of Antibiotics?

International Webinar on Primary Health care and Nursing Education, 2020

* Energy Imbalances in Diabetic Patients Increasing Chances of Acquiring Hospital Infection

* Why do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control Programs?

Mini Review Urinary Tract Infection-18-07-2020

* Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections without Using Any Antibiotics?

Nursing And Healthcare Webinar, 2020

* Energy Imbalances in Diabetic Patients Increasing Chances of Acquiring Hospital Infection

* Why do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control Programs?

Obesity Virtual – October 26-27, 2020

* Which Are the Energy Alterations Among Obese Patients and Why Is Important to Treat the Chakras Energy?

Ophthalmology, 2020

* Can the Use of Earrings Cause Eye Pain?

* Glaucoma is a local or systemic disease?

Pediatrics Gastroenterology, 2020

* Which Are the Chakras and Energy Alterations in Children with Chronic Constipation?

* Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Newborns

* Abdominal Pain as an Initial Manifestation of Autoimmune Hepatitis in a Child

Public Health, 2020

* The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to Coronavirus Infection

* Invasion of Wind and Cold as Cause of Respiratory Tract Infection Outbreak in A School Kinder ​Garden Group of Kids

Nursing - November 4-6, 2020

* Why Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and ​Control Programs?

* Why Does Patient with Mental Psychiatric Disorders Have More Probability of Acquiring ​Hospital Infection?

2nd International Conference on Cancer Science, Oncology and Radiology November 17, ​2020

* The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer

* Energy Alteration and Chakras Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Radiation-Induced ​Rectal Bleeding Post Prostate Cancer Surgery

* Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​after Prostate Cancer Surgery

6th World Congress on Pediatric Disease, Care & Management - November 23-24, 2020

* The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in Patients ​with Chronic Urticaria Reactions

*How to Treat Acute Respiratory Tract Infections without Using Antibiotics?

Alternative Medicine and Herbal Medicine – November 13, 2020

*Chinese Dietary Counseling, Acupuncture and Replenishment of the Chakras’ Energies in the ​Treatment of Menopause Symptoms

*Chinese Dietary Counseling, Acupuncture for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections ​Without Using Any Antibiotics

Microbiology And Immunology Webinar – November 13, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection ​Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments.

Webinar Digestive Disease, Germany, Berlin June 26, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy and Propensity to Coronavirus Infection.​access/energy-alterations-and-chakras-energy-deficiencies-and-propensity-to-coronavirus-infection.pdf

Webinar Pharma – June, 28, 2020

*Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-Inflammatory Medications

*The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

Webinar Rehabilitation, 2020

29-06-2020 - *Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-Inflammatory ​Medications?

29-06-2020 - *Can Metallic Surgical Implants Influence the Body’s Health? ​

29-06-2020 - *Shoulder and Elbow Tendinitis as Initial Manifestation of Autoimmune Hepatitis

Webinar Virtual Infectious Diseases, 2020

13-06-2020 - *How Can We Treat Recurrent Herpes Virus Infection without the Use of Antiviral Drugs?

13-06-2020 - *Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections without using any Antibiotics?

Webinar Middle East Heart Congress, June 23, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to Coronavirus Infection ​​coronavirus-infection.pdf

*Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension

*Energy Alterations Leading to Dyspnea in Patients with Mitral Valve Stenosis

*The importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Infarction

Webinar Gynecology, 2020

13-06-2020 - *Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as one of the Causes of Menopause Symptoms in Women ​​symptoms-in-women.pdf

Webinar Infection Prevention, 2020

16-09-2020 *What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections Completely? ​​infections-completely.pdf

12-09-2020* Is it Necessary to Isolate Patients with Acute Herpes Zoster?

12-09-2020 *Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection.

Webinar Nursing Education, 2020

07-07-2020 - *Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, ​Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin?

07-07-2020 - *Is it Necessary to Isolate Patients with Acute Herpes Zoster?

07-07-2020 - *What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections Completely? ​​infections-completely.pdf

Webinar Ophthalmology and Optometry, 2020

24-10-2020- *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiency as The Cause of Sub Retinal Fluid ​Retention in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

24-10-2020- *Chakras Energy Deficiency as the cause of Chronic Conjunctival Hyperemia

Webinar Pain Medicine – July, 15, 2020

*Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-Inflammatory Medications?

*What are the Sources of Fibromyalgia and How to treat it Without Using Anti-Inflammatory or Anti-​Depressant Drugs?

Webinar Kidney Conference - July, 10, 2020

*Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​after Prostate Cancer Surgery

Webinar Microbiology July, 25, 2020

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

*Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter without the ​Use of Antibiotics?

*Is it Necessary to Isolate Patients with Acute Herpes Zoster?

Webinar Nutrition Conference – July, 13, 2020

*Could your Eating Habits be affecting your Sleep and How Can We treat it Without Using Drugs?

Webinar Gastro – July, 16, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Chronic Diarrhea

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Crohn Disease

Webinar Hypertension – July, 30, 2020

*Energy Alterations Leading to Dyspnea in Patients with Mitral Valve Stenosis

*What could be the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension?

Webinar Bacterial, 2020

29-06-2020- *How can we treat Recurrent Herpes Virus Infection without the Use of Antiviral ​Drugs?

09-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

Webinar Cancer Stem Cell, 2020

05-06-2020 - *The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy ​Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

05-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

Webinar Nephrology, 2020

11-06-2020 - *Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual ​Dysfunction after Prostate Cancer Surgery

11-06-2020 - *Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as one of the Causes of Menopause Symptoms in ​Women

27-06-2020 - *Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis ​Catheter without the Use of Antibiotics?

Webinar Coronavirus and Vaccines, 2020

30-06-2020 - *Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

7th International Conference and Expo on September 21 - August, 2020

06-08-2020 - *Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-​Inflammatory Medications

06-08-2020 - *Can Metallic Surgical Implants Influence the Body’s Health?

06-08-2020 - *How to Treat Low Back Pain Without Using Any Anti-inflammatory Medications

Euro Public Health - August, 2020

22-05-2020 - *The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy ​Replacement for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

22-05-2020 - *Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

22-05-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

Holistic Nursing - August, 2020

04-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

04-06-2020 - *Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, ​Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin?

04-06-2020 - *What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections ​Completely?

06-06-2020 - *Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections without Using Any Antibiotics?

06-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

Infectious Diseases Conference - August, 2020

04-08-2020 - *Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

27-06-2020 - *Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the ​Same Method Without the Use of Antibiotics?

27-06-2020 - *Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis ​Catheter without the Use of Antibiotics?

27-06-2020 - *Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections without Using Any Antibiotics?

Online Conference on Infectious Diseases – Corona Virus – August, 10-11, 2020

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

*Chakras Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post Coronavirus Infection Treatment

2nd Edition of Infectious Diseases Virtual - August, 18-19, 2020

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

*Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter without the ​Use of Antibiotics?

*Is it Necessary to Isolate Patients with Acute Herpes Zoster?

Webinar Alternative Medicine August 19, 2020

*Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Patients with Anxiety Treated with Auricular ​Acupuncture – A Double Blind Study

*Medication, Apex Ear Bloodletting, and Diet in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular ​Acupuncture – A Double Blind Study

*Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Reducing Knee Pain among Patients Treated ​with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study

Webinar Dementia Alzheimers- Panda D- August 17-18, 2020

*Energy Alterations Involved in Patients with Memory Loss.

*Energy and Chakras Alteration in Patients with Dementia

Webinar Dermatology E Cosmetology Poorna August, 2020

*Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in the Treatment of Acne

* The Treatment of Chloasma in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Webinar Gastro August 26, 2020

* Blood Deficiency and Chakras Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Constipation

* Abstract Energy Alteration and Chakras Energy Deficiencies as The Main Cause of Radiation-​Induced Rectal Bleeding Post Prostate Cancer Surgery

Webinar Neuro Degenerative Meeting August, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies as Underlying Cause of Tremors

* Energy and Chakras Alteration in Patients with Dementia

Webinar Vision August 26, 2020

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiency as The Cause of Sub Retinal Fluid Retention ​in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

* Glaucoma is a Local or Systemic Disease?

* Women, trauma and alcohol dependency: Connections and disconnections in alcohol treatment ​for women

Webinar 22nd World Nephrologists Summi September 7,8, 2020

*Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter without the ​Use of Antibiotics?

*Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​after Prostate Cancer Surgery

*Can we Treat Urinary Tract Infections without using any Antibiotics?

Webinar Euro Diabetes and Endocrinology – September, 21-22, 2020

*Which are the Energy Alterations Related to Diabetes Complications?

*Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia Despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic ​Medication and Insulin?

International Webinar on Pharmacy - September 21, 22, 2020

*The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

*Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as one of the Causes of Menopause Symptoms in Women

*Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the use of Anti-Inflammatory ​Medications?

Webinar De Herbal Medicine – September, 24, 2020

*Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine

*Treatment of Anxiety and Depression using Bach Flower and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Webinar Traditional Medicine – September, 28, 2020

*Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of Headaches?

*The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

Pediatrics Webinar - October, 2020

04-06-2020 - *How to Treat Acute Respiratory Tract Infections without Using Antibiotics?

04-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

04-06-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to ​Coronavirus Infection

Webinar Dental - October, 2020

06-10-2020 - *Energy Imbalances related to Bone Loss of Teeth and How Can We Treat without ​Making Bone Grafting?

06-10-2020 - *Can Metallic Surgical Implants Influence the Body’s Health?

Webinar Immunology and Allergy - October, 2020

19-10-2020 - *What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections ​Completely?

19-10-2020 - *Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, ​Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin?

Webinar Nurse and Health – October, 19, 2020

*What Do We Need to Know to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infections Completely?

*Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic ​Medication and Insulin?

Webinar on Gynecology – October, 16, 2020

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiency as One Cause of Menorrhagia in Women

*Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One Cause Menopause Symptoms in Women

*Chakra’s energy deficiency as the main cause of infertility in women​infertility-in-women.pdf

*Energies and Chakras Replenishment in Prevention and Treatment of Patients with Atypical Pap ​Cells Exam​prevention-and-treatment-of-patients-with-atypicalpap-cells-exam.pdf

Webinar on Novel COVID-19, Public Health & Healthcare – October, 12, 2020

*Chakras Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post Coronavirus Infection Treatment

*The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer

Webinar Surgery Innovation – October, 30, 2020

*Chakras Energy Alterations with Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat It without ​Surgery?

*The Importance of the Diet, Correction of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy ​Replenishment for Prevention the Exchange of Encapsulated Breast Prosthesis

Webinar Traditional Chinese Medicine – October, 12, 2020

*Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Reducing Knee Pain among Patients Treated ​with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study

*Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

Webinar Stem Cell – November,16, 2020

*Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment

*Malignant Tumors Regression Balancing Internal Energies and Chakras Energies Replenishment

Webinar 2nd International Conference on Dental Practice November, 19,20, 2020

*Energy Imbalances related to Bone Loss of Teeth and How Can We Treat without Making Bone ​Grafting?

Webinar Cardiology – November, 11-13, 2020

*The importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial ​Infarction

*Energy Alterations Leading to Dyspnea in Patients with Mitral Valve Stenosis

Webinar Cellscience – November, 18,20, 2020

*Malignant Tumor Regression Balancing Internal Energies and Chakras Energies Replenishment

*Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Kidney Cancer

Webinar COVID-19 Drug and Diagnostic Developments, November, 2, 2020

*Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post Coronavirus Infection Treatment

Webinar Dementia – November, 2020

06-10-2020 - *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies in Patients with Memory ​Loss

06-10-2020 - *Energy and Chakras Alteration in Patients with Dementia

Webinar Innovators Summit – November, 16-17, 2020

*The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer

*Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One Cause Menopause Symptoms in Women

Webinar on breast cervical cancer – November, 23, 2020

*Correction of Energy Disturbances as a Treatment for Atypical Cellular Results in a Pap smear ​Exam

*Importance of Chakras and Energies Alterations in the Geneses of Breast Cancer

Webinar on Nephrologists Meeting - November, 2020

25-11-2020 - *Chakras Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Kidney Cancer

25-11-2020- *Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of ​Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments

Webinar Woman Health and Child Care – November, 21, 2020

*Energies disturbances in Atopic Dermatitis and how can we treat without using corticosteroids?

*Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One Cause Menopause Symptoms in Women

Virology & Covid-19 Webinar December 7-8, 2020

* How can we treat Recurrent Herpes Virus Infection without the Use of Antiviral Drugs?

* Treating Patients with Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Coronavirus Infection

*Chakras Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post Coronavirus Infection Treatment

Webinar Immune Response, 2020

*Immune Response to the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Webinar on Infectious Diseases, 2020

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to Coronavirus Infection


206th World Kidney Congress Stella – February 18, 2021

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Kidney Stone

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Microscopic Hematuria

24th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Sciences - February 24-25, 2021

* Autoimmune Hepatitis induced by the Chronic Ingestion of Mate Tea

* Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Foods and the Formation of Tendinosis?

* Women, trauma and alcohol dependency: Connections and disconnections in alcohol treatment ​for women

32nd World Nurse Practitioners & Healthcare Congress - March 18-19, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women

* Why do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and ​Control Programs?

5th World Congress on Nursing Education and Primary Healthcare - April 18-19, 2021

* Why Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and ​Control Programs?

* How Can We Reduce Hospital Infections in Pediatrics Patients?

Congress on Mental Health & Neurology - Berlin - April 23-24, 2021

* Why Patients with Depression Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Anti-Depressant ​Medications?

* Why Patients with Panic Syndrome Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Pasycothopic ​Medications?

Nursing & Healthcare congress 2021 Webinar - April 19 - 20, 2021. Dianna Wilians

* Energy Imbalances in Diabetic Patients Increasing Chances of Acquiring Hospital Infection

* How Can We Reduce Hospital Infections in Pediatrics Patients?

3rd Asian Cardiology Congress - May 17, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

* Myocardial Infarction Without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID 19 Treatment

Infectious Congress 2021 - June 21-22, 2021

* Why People Who Have Been Admitted to Treat COVID-19 Appear to be Older?

* How Can We Overcome This Phase of The Emerging New Mutations and Variants Of SARS-Cov-​2? New Vaccines or Improve Our Immune System?

2nd World Congress on Ophthalmology and optometry, August 23-24,2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Keratoconus

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Sjogren’s Syndrome

5th Global Heart Congress - August 20, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as the Cause of Congestive Heart Failure in Alzheimer Patient

11th World Congress on Breast Cancer & Therapies - August 5-6, 2021

* Chakras and Energy Deficiencies in the Genesis of Breast Cancer

* How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Breast Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial ​or Radiological Exams?

* How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or ​Radiological Exams?

World Congress on Infectious Diseases - September 9-11, 2021

* Why Do Patients Still Have Potential to Transmit Covid-19 Despite Receiving Vaccination?

* Is The Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce the Transmission ​or Not?

5th World Congress on Oncology Research and Drug Development - October 13-14, 2021

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

* Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​after Prostate Cancer Surgery

* Which Are the Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​After Prostate Cancer Surgery and How Can We Cure Them?

7th World Nursing and Nursing Care Congress - October 8-9, 2021

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

* Is The Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce the Transmission ​or Not?

International Vaccines Congress. October 18-20, 2021

* Is The Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce the Transmission ​or Not?

* Why Do Patients Still Have Potential to Transmit Covid-19 Despite Receiving Vaccination?

* Memory and Concentration Impairment in Children in the COVID-19 Pandemic.

* Why Patients with Spider Veins in The Leg Have Recurrence of Their Conditions by Using ​Sclerotherapy or Other Kinds of Treatment Recommended Nowadays?

World Congress on Gynecology & Obstetrics - October 22-23, 2021

* How Can We Prevent the Pregnant Women from Having COVID-19 Without Using Vaccine?

2nd World conference on Advance Nursing Research para ser OCM - 2021

*Energy Imbalances in Diabetic Patients Increasing Chances of Acquiring Hospital Infection

25th World Nutrition and Pediatrics Healthcare Conference - April 19, 2021

*Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as a Cause of Growth Retardation in Children

Biofuels-conference 2021 - April 29, 2021 (Samuel amigo)

* Is The Population in The World the Same as in The Past?

Virtual Conference on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility - April 25-26, ​2021

* Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as the Main Cause of Infertility in Women

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as One Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women

6th International Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics - May 24-25, 2021

*Homeopathy in the Treatment of Endometrial Polyp

Nutrition and pediatrics Conference - May 03, 2021

* The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Deficiencies in Children ​with Chronic Urticaria Reactions

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as a Cause of Growth Retardation in Children

2nd Webinar Conference on Ophthalmology and Optometry 2021 - June 28-29, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Keratoconus

Diabetes Conference - June 17-18, 2021

* Which are the Energy Alterations Related to Diabetes Complications?

* Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic ​Medication and Insulin?

* The importance of Chakras and Energy Imbalances Correction in the Prevention and Treatment ​of Gestational Diabetes

Global Physiotherapy Conference 2021 - June 7-8, 2021

* The Risks of Using Anti-Inflammatory Medications in Patients with Chakras’ Energies ​Deficiencies and Pain

* Why Patients with Frozen Shoulder does not Improve with Anti-inflammatory Medications?

International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharma Network June 28, 2021 Sandra Uman

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

International Conference on Emergency and Personalized Medicine - July 30, 2021 Baranala ​VR (linkedin)

* How To Improve the Oxigenation of Patrients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ​with The Use of Homeopathy Medications

2nd International Conference on Lung Diseases - August 24, 2021 - Rama (LinkedIn)

* Chronic Cought as Initial Manifestation of Mediastinal Lymphoma in Woman

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of The Causes of Pulmonary Thromboembolism

3rd International Conference on Infectious Diseases - August 6-7, 2021

* Why People Who Have Been Admitted to Treat COVID-19 Appear to be Older?

* Why Homeopathy in Prevention and Treatment of SARS-Cov-2 Infection?

29th International Conference on Clinical Diabetes, Diabetic Medication &Treatment event ​- August 6, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of The Causes of Diabetes Type I

International Conference on Ophthalmology - August 9-10,2021

* Is Glaucoma a Local or Systemic Disease?

* Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiency as The Cause of Sub Retinal Fluid Retention ​in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

International Virtual Conference on Microbiology & Infectious Diseases - August 12 - 13, ​2021

* What Do We Need to Do to Enhance Our Protection Against SARS-C0V-2 Infection Despite the ​Vaccination?

Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference mind - August 19-20, 2021

* Auricular Acupuncture and Chinese Dietary Counselling in the Treatment of Insomnia

* Apex Ear Bloodletting, Dairy Product Restrictions and Scalp Acupuncture in Reducing Knee Pain ​Among Patients Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study

World Ophthalmology Conference - August 23-24, 2021

* Is Glaucoma a Local or Systemic Disease?

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Keratoconus

9th International Conference and Expo on Novel Physiotherapies and Physical ​Rehabilitation. September 6-7, 2021

* Why Patients with Frozen Shoulder does not Improve with Anti-inflammatory Medications?

International Conference on Cancer Research and Therapy - September 16-18, 2021

* Abstract - Which Kind of Foods we Need to Avoid to Prevent and Treat Patients with Cancer

* The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and ​Treatment of Cancer

* Chakras and Energy Imbalances in Patients with Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction ​after Prostate Cancer Surgery

International Cancer Conference - September 17-18, 2021

* Malignant Tumor Regression Balancing Internal Energy and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment

* How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or ​Radiological Exams?

International Virtual Conference on Microbiology & Infectious Diseases - September 20-21, ​2021. John

* Are The Vaccines the Only Solution to Control COVID-19 Pandemic?

2nd Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and ​Natural Therapies - September 24-25, 2021

* Why Homeopathy in Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection?

13th World Conference on women health - September 24-25, 2021

* Is The Chronically Use of Contraceptives Safe for Women’s Use Nowadays?

* Diet with Acupuncture and Homeopathy in Women’s’ Menopause Symptoms

4th online conference on Nursing & Healthcare - September 27, 28, 2021 Hemanth ​(linkedin)

* What Do We Need to Do to Enhance Our Protection Against SARS-C0V-2 Infection Despite the ​Vaccination?

3rd International Conference on Diabetes - October 4-5, 2021 Conference minds

* Is It Really True That Impotence in Diabetic Patients Is Actually Caused by Diabetes?

5th International conference on Pediatrics and Primary Healthcare - October 14-15, 2021

* Energy Alterations Generating Fear of Doctors and Hospitals in a Premature Baby

International Conference on Herbal Medicine & Complementary Alternative Healthcare - ​November 11-12, 2021

* Why Homeopathy in Prevention and Treatment of SARS-Cov-2 Infection?

Global Webinar On pharmacology - November 15-16, 2021 Conference mind

* Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases

Virtual International Conference on Microbiology& Immunology - November 16, 18, 2021

* Is The Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce the Transmission ​or Not?

* Why Homeopathy in Prevention and Treatment of SARS-Cov-2 Infection?

Diabetes & Endocrinology Online Conference - November 29-30, 2021

* Is There Any Correlation Between Diabetes and Cancer Formation?

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of the Causes of Diabetes Type I

* Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?

* How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Foods as the Main Tools?

International Webinar on Surgery and Anesthesia - January 13-14, 2021

* The Importance of the Diet, Correction of Energy Imbalances and Chakras Energy Replacement ​for Prevention the Exchange of Encapsulated Breast Prosthesis

* Chakras Energy Alterations with Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat It without ​Surgery?

Webinar On Nephrologists Meeting - January 18 -2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Fatigue During Hemodialysis

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Kidney Stone

Webinar on 5th Global Innovators Summit - January 18-19, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

* Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?

Webinar International Dermatology, Cosmetology and Skin Care Conference – January 19, ​2021

* The Treatment of Chloasma in Traditional Chinese Medicine

* Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as one of the Causes of Psoriasis

* Energy Alterations in The Formation and Treatment of Scleroderma

Webinar on Neuroscience – January 27, 2021

* Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in the Pathophysiology of Bell’s Palsy

* Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as Underlying Cause of Tremors

Webinar on COVID Second Wave & Preventions - January 30, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post Sars-Cov-2 Infection Patients ​Treatment

* Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?

Webinar on Gynecology, January 30, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women

* Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One Cause of Abnormal Uterine ​Bleeding in Women

2nd Global Webinar on Traditional and Alternative Medicine will be held during - February ​22-24, 2021

* Chakra’s Energies Deficiencies as One of the Causes of Hypothyroidism

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis

2nd International Webinar on Infectious Diseases - February 26-27, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post Sars-Cov-2 Infection Patients ​Treatment

* Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method ​without the Use of Antibiotics?

* Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?

Webinar on Ophthalmology and Optometry 2021 – January 28, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Sjogren’s Syndrome

* Strabismus After Cerebral Spastic Paralysis Sequelae of Bacterial Meningitis Treated with ​Acupuncture

9th Webinar on Healthcare - February 9, 2021

* To Know Which Medicine We Should Prescribe, We Need to Know What Type of Patient We ​Have Nowadays

* Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?

International Webinar on Traditional & Alternative Medicine - February 25-26, 2021

* How Effective Is Auricular Acupuncture for The Treatment of Cervical Pain? – A Double Blind ​Study

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post Sars-Cov-2 Infection Patients ​Treatment

Webinar Covid-19 – February, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post Coronavirus Infection Treatment

Webinar Global Virtual Summit on Diabetology 8-9 De March 2021

* Which are the Energy Alterations Related to Diabetes Complications?

* Why are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic ​Medication and Insulin?

Webinar on Neurology and Brain Disorders (Neurology Virtual-2021) on 22-23 March, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Chronic Insomnia

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Transient Ischemic Attack

International Webinar on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Fertility - March 18-19, 2021

* Gender Rejection in The Gestation as Formator Factor of Polycystic Ovaries in Female Adults

* Energy Alterations, Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies and Dietary Counseling in Obese Patients ​with PCOS

Webinar on Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine - March 24, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Webinar Cancer Research - March 27, 2021

* Chakras and Energy Deficiencies in the Genesis of Breast Cancer

* The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Webinar on Pediatrics and Health Care, March 31, 2021

* Which Could Be the Underline Causes Behind Chronic Nosebleed in Children?

Webinar on food science and foods safety - April 5, 2021

* Chinese Dietary Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Diarrhea

* Which Kind of Foods we Need to Avoid to Prevent and Treat Patients with Cancer

* Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?

* Chinese Dietary Therapy in the Prevention of Seizure Syndrome

Webinar Gynecology and Obstetrics - April 9-10, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as The Cause of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Webinar on Gastroenterology and Kidney Care My – April 21-22, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Centers Deficiency as The Cause of Abdominal Vessels Thrombosis

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of the Cause of Gastroesophageal Reflux and How Can We ​Treat Without Doing Surgery?

Webinar On Critical Care and Emergency Medicine – London - April 28, 2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies in Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial ​Obstruction

Webinar on Diabetes and Obesity - April 30, 2021

* Is There Any Correlation Between Diabetes and Obesity?

* Which are the Energy Alterations Related to Diabetes Complications?

Cancer webinar May 27, 2021 Victor Y

* Malignant Ovary Tumor Secondary to Chronic Use of Hormones to Treat Acne

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Testicular Cancer

Webinar on HIV-AIDS May 29,2021

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Second Cause of Immune Deficiency in HIV patients

Webinar on Traditional & Alternative Medicine, May 24-25, 2021

* The Importance of the Treatment of Energy Imbalances and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment for ​Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

* How Can We Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Without Using Corticosteroids and ​Immunosuppressive Medications?

Webinar Advances in Nursing Education and Research - July 27, 2021 (WhatsApp)

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

Webinar On Cancer. July 31, 2021 Victor Y (LinkedIn)

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

* How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or ​Radiological Exams?

Cardiology Webinar 2021 - June 02-04, 2021

* Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial ​Obstruction

Webinar Stem Cell Research June 24, 2021 Lisa Williams

* Malignant Tumor Regression Balancing Internal Energy and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment

Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Epidemiology June 25, 2021 Helena

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

4th webinar On Hospice and Palliative care June 28, 2021 Jennifer W

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

Webinar Depression - June 28, 2021

* Why Patients with Depression Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Anti-Depressant ​Medications?

* Why Patients with Panic Syndrome Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Psychotropic ​Medications?

Webinar on Neuroscience and Psychiatry June 29, 2021 Shirihita linkedin

* Why Patients with Panic Syndrome Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Psychotropic ​Medications?

* Why Patients with Depression Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Anti-Depressant ​Medications?

Antimicrobial And Antibacterial Agents Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Infectious ​Diseases 2021 Webinar - August 13, 2021

* Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine

Virology webinar - August 2-3, 2021

* How Can We Overcome this Phase of the Emerging New Mutations and Variants of SARS-Cov-​2? New Vaccines or Improve Our Immune System?

* Is Disseminated Dermatitis Post Covid 19 Infections Caused by the SARS-Cov-2?

Webinar on COVID-19 - August 25, 2021

* Myocardial Infarction Without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID 19 Treatment

6th Webinar on Precision Medicine Public Health - August 27, 2021

* Is The Mandatory Implementation of a Passport for COVID-19 Vaccine Reduce the Transmission ​or Not?

Webinar on Stem Cell 2021 on August 28th, 2021

* Malignant Tumor Regression Balancing Internal Energy and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment

* Identification of new alleles in salinity tolerant rice local cultivars through phenotypic and ​genotypic screening

Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Gynecology & Obstetrics - August 28, 2021 Helena

* Malignant Ovary Tumor Secondary to Chronic Use of Hormones to Treat Acne

* How Can We Prevent the Pregnant Women from Having COVID-19 Without Using Vaccine?

Webinar Cancer Therapy and Immune Oncology September 21-22, 2021 Suzana (LinkedIn)

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

* How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or ​Radiological Exams?

Webinar Cancer. September 28, 2021

* Chakras Energies Deficiencies as a Factor of no Improvement of Prostate-specific Antigen ​Exams in Patients Undergoing Prostate Cancer Treatment

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

Webinar Virology and Infectious Diseases, October 29-30, 2021 WhatsApp

* What Do We Need to Do to Enhance Our Protection Against SARS-C0V-2 Infection Despite the ​Vaccination?

Webinar on Women's Health & Obstetrics - November 01-02, 2021

* What Measures Can We Take to Prevent COVID-19 Infection in Pregnant Women?

Webinar On Planta Pathogenic And Soil Health - November 8-9, 2021

* Importance of Understand Foods and Water Energy in Prevention of Hospital Infection and ​Treatment of all kinds of Diseases

Webinar Oncology - November 17-18, 2021

* Chakras and Energy Deficiencies in the Genesis of Breast Cancer

* What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

8th Webinar on Precision Medicine Public Health – November 20, 2021

*Severe Urticaria Reaction in Energy Deficient Patient Post- COVID-19 Vaccine

15th International Conference on Neuroscience and Dementia – November 26, 2021

*Energy Alterations and Chakras Energy Deficiencies as Underlying Cause of Tremors

*Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Webinar – November 29, 2021

*Why Do Patients Still Have Potential to Transmit Covid-19 Despite

Diabetes & Endocrinology Online Conference – November 29-30, 2021

*Is There Any Correlation Between Diabetes and Cancer Formation?

* Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of the Causes of Diabetes Type I

International Conference on Stem Cell Research and Therapy – December 03-04, 2021.

*Malignant Tumor Regression Balancing Internal Energy and Chakras’ Energy Replenishment

*How can we do preventive measurements in cancer without asking for any laboratorial or ​radiological exams?

Webinar on Eye 2021 – December 03, 2021.

*Energies Alterations and Chakras' Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Sub Retinal Fluid ​Retention in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

Bacterial Diseases and Antibiotics Webinar – December 06-07, 2021

*Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method, ​Without the Use of Antibiotics?

* What have behind in all kinds of infections that we need to know?

Annual Congress on Nursing Education – December 06, 2021.

*Chakra’s energy deficiency as the main cause of infertility in women

*Chakra’s Energy Deficiency as One of the Cause of Menopause Symptoms in Women

Depression congress 2021 – December 07, 2021

*Why Patients with Depression do Not Improve the Symptoms with Antidepressant Medications?

6th Annual Conference on Orthopedics, Rheumatology and Osteoporosis – December 9-10, 2021

*How Can You Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis without Using Corticosteroids and ​Immunosuppressive Medications?

*Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Osteoporosis

23rd World Congress on Nursing, Pharmacology and Healthcare – December 10, 2021

*Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method, ​Without the Use of Antibiotics?

International Colloquium on Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Public Health – ​December 13-14, 2021

*Why Do Patients Still Have the Potential to Transmit COVID-19 Despite Receiving Vaccinations?

2nd Webinar Conference on Vision Science and Eyes – December 13-14, 2021

*Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One of the Cause of Keratoconus

4th Annual Congress on Stroke and Neurological Disorders – December 15, 2021

*Can Feeding Errors Induce Epilepsy in Children and in Adults?

*What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without COVID-19?"

7th World Congress on Pharmaceutical Research & Drug Discovery – December 20, 2021

*Why is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice in the Treatment of All Kinds of Diseases ​Nowadays?

*Why Is Homeopathy the Medication of Choice for Treating Diseases in Elderly Patients


Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Sars-cov-2 variants ­– January 19, 2022

* Are The Vaccines the Only Solution to Control COVID-19 Pandemic?

*Why Do Patients Still Have Potential to Transmit Covid-19 Despite Receiving Vaccination?

Cancer Research and Therapy Conference – January 20, 2022

*What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

International Webinar on Nursing Education & Health Science – January 20, 2022

*Why Do Patients Still Have Potential to Transmit Covid-19 Despite Receiving Vaccination?

Human Genetics and Genetic Disorder – January 24, 2022

*Energy Alterations In Patient with Fragile X Syndrome

8th webinar on Critical care and emergency medicine – January 28, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection.

2nd World Congress on Pharmacology 2022. January 30, 2022

*Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases ​Nowadays?

Vaccine Research 2022 – February 07, 2022

*Why do patients still have potential to transmit Covid-19 despite receiving vaccination?

2nd Global Meeting on Gastroenterology & Kidney Care – February 23, 2022

*Chakras’ Energy Deficiency as One of the Cause of Gastroesophageal Reflux and How Can We ​Treat Without Doing Surgery?

*Chakras’ Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis

12th World Congress on Women Health, Gynecology and Breast Cancer Research- February ​24, 2022

*What We Are the Clinical Measurements In Patients With Endometriosis To Prevent Surgery?

*How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Breast Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial ​or Radiological Exams

Webinar on Otolaryngology and Rhinology – February 25, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Malignant Thyroid Tumor and How Can We Treat It Without ​Doing Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy

International Conference on Microbiology & Infectious Diseases - March 07, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Pulmonary Thrombosis After COVID-19 Treatment.

International Women's Day Special Webinar on Women in Science - March 08, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Women in Menopause

Psychiatry and Mental Disorders 2022 - March 12, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Autism.

International webinar on Women Healthcare - March 15, 2022

*Cavernus Sinus Thrombosis After Chronic Use Of Oral Contraceptive And How Can We Prevent ​It In This New Pattern of Population?

world Oncology 2022- March 16, 2022

*Chakras energy deficiencies as a factor of no improvement of prostate-specific antigen exams in ​patients undergoing prostate cancer treatment

*How can we prevent the formation of metastasis in cancer patients?

2nd International Webinar On Traditional Alternative Medicine – March 23, 2022

*Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?

Neurology and Neurological Disorders 2022 – April 02, 2022

*Energy alterations in patients with Parkinson disease

3rd Online International Conference on Applied Microbiology and Beneficial Microbes – ​April 11, 2022

*Is it Possible To Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method ​without the Use of Antibiotics?

7th World Dermatology, Trichology and Aesthetic Congress – April 19, 2022

*Energy Alterations Leading to Predisposition to Have Melanoma and How We Can Prevent and ​Treat This Condition Besides Surgery?

2nd International Online Conference on Pain Research & Management – April 25, 2022

*Energy Alterations In Patient With Fibromyalgia and How Can We Treat Without Using Anti-​Inflammatory Medications

17th World Conference on Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control – April 26, 2022

*What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients?

2nd Online Global Summit on Infectious Diseases – April 27, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Pyomyositis and Why This Infection Does Not Respond to ​Antibiotics Treatment?

6th International Conference on Clinical Hematology and Transfusion Medicine – April 29, ​2022

*Chakras’ Energy Deficiency As The Cause of Bradycardia Post Chemotherapy To Treat ​Lymphoma

*Is The Blood Count a Good Predictor That the Patient Really Does Not Have Anemia for Blood ​Donation?

Infectious Diseases Online Conference – April 29, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

*Myocardial Infarction Without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID 19 Treatment

2nd Global Virtual Summit on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine. May 16, 2022

*Energy Alterations Leading to Dyspnea in Patients with Mitral Valve Stenosis

*The Importance of Correcting Chakras Energy Centers Alterations to Prevent Pacemaker ​Indication

VIIth World Congress on Women 2022 – May 22, 2022

*Energy Alterations And Chakras Energy Deficiency In Patients With Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.

6th International Conference on Infection Diseases: Control and Prevention – May 26, 2022

*Is it Possible to Treat Nosocomial Cellulitis Post Placement of Hemodialysis Catheter without the ​Use of Antibiotics?

*Why Diabetic Patients are More Likely to Get Hospital Infection?

Pediatrics & Neonatology 2022 – May 27, 2022

*Energy Alterations Generating Fear of Doctors and Hospitals in a Premature Baby

Scientific Webinar on Evidence-Based Traditional Chinese Medicine – June 04, 2022

*Why Is It Important to Associate Western Medicine with Chinese Medicine Nowadays?

33rd Annual Conference on Neonatology and Perinatology – June 08, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Newborn Babies and Children

International Conference on Gynecology and Women Health (Gynecology Congress 2022) – ​June 13, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Women in Menopause

Chronic Obesity 2022 – June 14, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Obesity

21st International Conference on Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders – June 15, 2022

*Chakras’ Energy Alterations with Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat without Surgery

Global Summit on Nephrology, Urology and Kidney Transplantation – June 16, 2022

*Is It Really That Diabetes Nephropathy Is Caused by Hyperglycemia or Not?

*Malignance Cell Grade Regression in Patients with Prostate Cancer Caused by Imbalances of Yin ​and Yang Energy

6th International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology: ENT Surgery – June 16, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Dizziness and How Can We Treat This Condition?

Annual summit on the Case report – June 17, 2022

*How Can We do Preventive Measurements in Cancer Without Asking for Any Laboratorial or ​Radiological Exams

14th Euro-Global Conference on Infectious Diseases – June 24, 2022

*Why Is Oral “Vaccine” for COVID-19 The Best Choice in This Pandemic?

*Immunodeficiency Generated by Energy Deficiency as The Cause of Non-Improvement of ​Nosocomial Osteomyelitis in The Knee Post Motorcycle Accident

World Obesity-2022 – June 27, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Obesity

8th Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare – June 28, 2022

*What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

18th World Congress on Infection Prevention and Control – July 04, 2022

*What Do We Need To Know To Prevent And Control Nosocomial Infections Completely?

Vaccine Congress 2022 – July 07, 2022

Why Is Highly Diluted “Vaccine” for COVID-19 The Best Choice in This Pandemic?

7th Global Summit on Allergy and Immunology – July 14, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Asthma

*Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Rhinitis

5th International Conference on Emergency & Acute Care Medicine – July 18, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Ground Glass Opacity in SARS-CoV-2 Infection

2nd Global Webinar On Pharmacology And Drug Discovery – July 22, 2022

*Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases ​Nowadays?

Scientific Webinar on Mindfulness & Pain Management – July 22, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Low Back Pain

7th World Congress on Oncology and Cancer Research – July 27, 2022

*Can The Use of Chemotherapy Induce More Formation of Metastases in Patients with Cancer?

Mental health and care – July 27, 2022

*Why Patients With Depression Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Anti-Depressant ​Medications?

*Why Patients With Panic Syndrome Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Psychotropic ​Medications?

Global Virtual Summit on Psychiatry and Mental Health – August 04, 2022

*Why Patients With Depression Do Not Improve Their Symptoms When Using Anti-Depressant ​Medications?

10th Edition of International Conference on “Medical and Clinical Conference 2022 – ​August 05, 2022

*What Do We Need to Do to Prevent the Death of a Patient with SARS-CoV-2 Infection?

2nd Annual Congress on Gynecology and Midwifery – August 08, 2022

*Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as One Cause of Abnormal Uterine ​Bleeding in Women

2nd Annual Congress on Nursing Education – August 08, 2022

*Why Highly Diluted Oral Vaccine For COVID-19 Is the Safest Option in This Pandemic?

59th World Advanced Nursing and Nursing Practice Congress – August 16, 2022

*What Can We Do in Patients with Palliative Care that Can Improve Their Quality of Life or Even ​Cure Them?

13th World Congress on Women Health, Gynecology and Breast Cancer Research – August ​17, 2022

*Malignant Ovarian Cancer Secondary to the Chronic Use of Mirena Intrauterine Device

World Pharma 2022 – August 19, 2022

*Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases ​Nowadays?

3rd International Conference on Food and Nutrition – August 25, 2022

*The Importance of Eating Correct Foods to Prevent Complications in Coronavirus Infected ​Patients

International Online Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine – August 26, 2022

*Why Homeopathy and Acupuncture are Two Important Tools To Use In The New Type of ​Population Nowadays?

Conference on Gynecologic Oncology, Reproductive Disorders, Maternal-Fetal Medicine & ​Obstetrics – September 14, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Cervical Malignant Tumor and The Propensity To Have This ​Kind of Tumor When Using Chronic Injectable Hormones For Contraception

Medical and clinical event – September 22, 2022

*What Is the Difference When We Treat Only The “Tip of The Iceberg” And Not Treat the ​Remaining Part “Under the Ocean”?

3rd International Conference on Orthodontics – September 23, 2022

*Energy Imbalances Related to Alveolar Bone Loss in Teeth and How We Can Treat It without ​Bone Grafting

19th international conference on Drug Delivery – September 23, 2022

*Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases ​Nowadays?

4th global conference on cancer congress and therapy – October 11, 2022

*How Can We Prevent Side Effects or Even Deaths After Chemotherapy Use?

International Congress on Midwifery and Maternal Health – October 13, 2022

How Can We Prevent the Pregnant Women from Having COVID-19 Without Using Vaccines?

Cancer Research 2022 – October 18, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients That Manifests Rectum Cancer After COVID-19 Infection

12th International Conference on Nephrology and Kidney Diseases – October 18, 2022

*Energy Alterations and Treatment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Altered ​Proteinuria

14th World Congress on Women Health, Gynecology and Breast Cancer Research – October ​27, 2022

*Is It Possible to Reduce a Malignant Breast Tumor Without Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy or ​Surgery?

3rd Global Virtual Summit on Neurology And Brain Disorder – November 01, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Natural & Alternative Medicine Therapies – November 02, ​2022

*What Is the Difference When We Treat Only The “Tip of The Iceberg” And Not Treat the ​Remaining Part “Under the Ocean”?

14th International Conference on Biosimilars and Pharma Innovations – November 08, ​2022

*What Is the Difference When We Treat Only The “Tip of The Iceberg” And Not Treat the ​Remaining Part “Under the Ocean”

5th Edition of Scholars World Heart Congress 2022 – November 15, 2022

*Myocardial Infarction Without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID 19 Treatment

Otorhinolaryngology 2022 – November 16, 2022

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Hearing Loss and How Can the Treatment Be Done Without ​Using the Usual Way?

3rd International Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine – November 17, 2022

*Why Homeopathy and Acupuncture are Two Important Tools To Use In The New Type of ​Population Nowadays?

Gynecology and women's health – November 21, 2022

*Why do Patients Still Have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications?

6th Annual Congress on Gynecology and Women's Health – November 21, 2022

*How Can We Prevent the Pregnant Women from Having COVID-19 Without Using Vaccines?

5th Webinar on Nursing & HealthCare – November 25, 2022

*Why Is Highly Diluted “Vaccine” for COVID-19 The Best Choice in This Pandemic?

Global Webinar on Spine and Spinal Disorders – November 28, 2022

*Energy Alterations in A Patient with Spina Bifida

Gynecology 2022 – December 05, 2022

*Energy and Chakras’ Energy Centers Alterations in Pregnant Women with Pre- Eclampsia ​Syndrome

*Homeopathy in the Treatment of Endometrial Polyp

Surgical Oncology and Radiology Experts Meet - SORE 2022 – December 07, 2022

*Will The Use of Diagnostic Resources to Assess the Presence of Tumor or Metastasis in The Patient ​Increase the Chance of Having Metastasis or Cancer Formation?


5th global conference on cancer congress and therapy. January 11-12, 2023

*Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?

5th International conference on Women Oncology and Women’s health. January 12, 2023

*Why Every Cancer Is Only The “Tip of The Iceberg?

4th World Congress on Infectious Diseases and Antibiotics 2023. January 22, 2023

*How Can We Treat a Patient with A Bacterial Infection That Is Resistant to All Antibiotics?

33rd International Conference on Neurology and Cognitive Neuroscience. January 25-26, 2023

*What Is Behind a Brain Tumor That We Need to Know to Avoid Surgery?

Scientific Wisdom Webinar on Nutrition & Food Sciences. January 26, 2023

*How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Foods as the Main Tools?

International Meet on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery (PHARMAMEET2023) February 11, ​2023

*Why Homeopathy Is the Medication of Choice for The Treatment of the Majority Diseases ​Nowadays?

World Conference on Addiction Psychiatry. February 15, 2023

*Why Patients in Chronic Use of Psychotropic Medications Are More Prone to Develop Cancer ​Nowadays?

Conference on Healthcare and Traditional Medicine. February 20, 2023

*Why Acupuncture Is the Best Choice of Treatment Nowadays?

International Conference on Vaccine Research (Vaccine Congress2023) February 20-21, 2023

*Why Highly Diluted Oral Vaccine For COVID-19 Is the Safest Option in This Pandemic?

World Summit on Obesity and Weight Management. February 22-23, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Morbid Obese Patients and the Risks Involved When Using Bariatric Surgery

Nursing Diversity 2023. March 08, 2023

*Why Is Highly Diluted “Vaccine” for COVID-19 The Best Choice in This Pandemic?

Psychiatry and Psychology 2023. March 09, 2023

*Why do Patients Still Have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications?

3rd International Webinar On Gastroenterology & Kidney Care. March 16-17, 2023

Energy Alterations in Patients With Colorectal Câncer.

An Integrative Approach to Psychiatry and Mental Health. March 18, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and How Can We Treat This ​Condition Without Using Psychotropic Medications

International Conference on Clinical Microbiology. March 20, 2023

*Why Is SARS-CoV-2 Infection Just the Tip of An Iceberg?

2nd World Pharma 2023. March 22, 2023

*To Know Which Type of Medication We Need to Prescribe, We Need to Know Which Type of ​Patient We Have Nowadays.

International Online Conference on Evidence-Based Traditional Medicine. March 24, 2023

*Is It Possible to Cure Cancer Through Complementary Medicine?

Stroke & Neurological Disorders 2023. March 24-25, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Stroke.

3rd World Surgeons Congress. April 10, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Deep Vein Thrombosis and What do We Need to do in ​Addition to the Use of Anti-Coagulant Medications?

Webinar "Leveraging Advancements in Dementia and Alzheimer's Rehabilitation. April 15, ​2023

*Energy Alterations Leading to Dementia Post-COVID-19 Vaccine.

International Meet on Cell Science and Molecular Biology (CSMBMEET2023). April 18, 2023

*Is It Possible to Reduce a Malignant Breast Tumor Without Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, or ​Surgery?

Webinar on 2023 Updates in Gastroenterology & Hepatology. April 22, 2023

*Energy Alteration in a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis.

Implications of Post COVID Comorbidities. April 22, 2023

*Energy Alterations Involved in Complications from SARS-Cov-2 Infection.

2nd World Virtual summit on Nursing Education & Healthcare. May 01, 2023

*What Are the Energy Imbalances Necessary to Form a Nosocomial Infection?

World Pediatrics 2023. May 08, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Autism.

3rd Global Virtual Congress on Cancer Research & Drug Development. May 15-16, 2023

*Is It Really Necessary to Use Surgery or Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer?

Global Summit on Diabetes & Medicare Expo. May 25-26, 2023

*Why Do Diabetic Patients Never Cure from The Disease?

Palliative care and hospice nursing 2023. June 01-02, 2023

*Patients with Metastases That Do Not Improve with Chemotherapy, Can They Improve in ​Another Way?

2ND International Meet on Nursing and Healthcare (NURSINGMEET2023). June 09, 2023

*Why Highly Diluted Oral Vaccine For COVID-19 Is the Safest Option in This Pandemic?

5th World Congress on Food Science & Nutrition. June 22-23, 2023

*Can Wrong Eating Habits Lead to Seizures?

*Is it possible to treat community-acquired and nosocomial infections with the same method, ​without the use of antibiotics.

29th Annual Summit on Neuroscience & Neurological Disorders. July 17-18, 2023

*Energy Alterations in a Patient with Somnambulism.


*Why Do All Medicines Use Inside the Hospital Can Increase the Risk to Have a Nosocomial ​Infection?

2nd International Meet on Food Science and Technology (FOODTECHMEET2023). August ​17, 2023.

*The Importance of Eating Correct Foods to Prevent Complications in Coronavirus Infected ​Patients.

21st International Conference on Cancer Biology and Cell Science. August 23-24, 2023.

*Is It Really Necessary to Use Surgery or Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer?

2nd Annual Congress on ENT – ACENT 2023. August 28-29, 2023.

*Energy Alterations in Patients with External Otitis and How Can We Treat It Without Using Any ​Kind of Antibiotics?

Root Nursing 2023. September 04-05, 2023.

*What Do We Need To Know To Prevent And Control Nosocomial Infections Completely?

3rd global virtual summit on Pharmaceutical and Novel Drug Delivery. September 28, 2023

*To Know Which Type of Medication We Need to Prescribe, We Need to Know Which Type of ​Patient We Have Nowadays.

Gastroenterology conference 2023. October 04, 2023.

*Energy Alteration in a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis.

4th International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia. October 09-10, 2023.

*Are Patients Without Surgical Risks Really Without Surgical Risk?


*From Depression to Cancer, what all have in common? How can we treat them using ​homeopathy?

ADDICTION PSYCHIATRY 2023. October 16-17, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Cocaine Addiction.

6th International Vaccine R&D Congress. October 19-20, 2023

*Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?

5th International Conference On Mental health. October 19-20, 2023

*Why Are We Only Treating the Symptoms of All Mental Health Problems and Not the Cause?

World Virtual Congress on Nursing Education & Healthcare. October 23-24, 2023.

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Hospital Infections and How Can We Treat This Condition ​Without Using Antibiotics?

76th LMHI World Homeopathic Congress. Bogota, Colombia. October 24-28. 2023.

*Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine in The ​Prevention and Treatment of Diverse Diseases.

3rd World Congress on Vaccination and Immunology. October 30-31, 2023.

*Energy Alterations of Elderly Patients That Developed Herpes Zoster After Receiving Three Doses ​of COVID-19 Vaccine.

4th International Conference on Infection Prevention and Control. November 06-07, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Hospital Infections and How Can We Treat This Condition ​Without Using Antibiotics?

International Congress on cancer biology and therapeutics conference. November 08, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Gastric Cancer.

10th Global Webinar on Traditional and Integrative Medicine. November 09-11, 2023

*New Global Immunodeficiency.

World congress on virology. November 14, 2023

*Energy Alterations In Patients With Dengue.

4th International Hybrid Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine. November 23-​24, 2023

*Energy Alterations in Patients with Glaucoma and How Can We Reduce Intra-Ocular Pressure ​Using Chinese Medicine Tools?

3rd Worldwide Conference On Infectious Diseases. November 27, 2023

*How Can We Treat a Patient with A Bacterial Infection That Is Resistant to All Antibiotics?

4th Global Webinar on Stem Cell. November 29-30, 2023

*Why Every Cancer Is Only The “Tip of The Iceberg?

3rd International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia. November 30, 2023

*Could Patients Scheduled for Surgery Be Much Better Off with Clinical Treatment to Cure Their ​Illness?

6th Global Congress on Food Science and Nutrition. December 08-09, 2023

*Is There Any Correlation Between the Ingestion of Some Kinds of Foods and Headache?


4th conference on Vaccine Research. February 08-09, 2024

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Spontaneous Femur Fracture Post Metastasis of Thyroid ​Cancer After Three Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine.

2nd International Meet on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems ​(PHARMAMEET2024). February 12, 2024

*Do The Laboratory Tests Request as Chemotherapy Control Really Reflect That the Patient Can ​Continue Chemotherapy?

2nd International Meet on Cell Science and Molecular Biology (CSMBMEET2024). March ​11-13, 2024

*Yin and Yang Energy Imbalances Leading to Increase Grade of Malignance in Patient with ​Prostate Cancer.

Virtual Conference on Public Health Management and Patient Safety. April 09, 2024

*How Can We Lower Blood Glucose by Reducing Insulin Use in Type 1 And 2 Diabetes?

Global Meet on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems (GMPDDS2024). May 14, 2024

*Can We Treat All Disease with The Same Medication?

8th World Congress on Cancer Research and Therapy. May 30-31, 2024

*Energy Alterations in Patient with Endometrial Cancer After Receiving Three Doses of COVID-19 ​Vaccine.

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