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Dra. Huang Wei Ling

Complete ​Biography

Hu​ang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncturist, Specialist in ​Infectious Diseases, General Practitioner, ​Specialist in Parenteral and Enteral ​Nutrition and Specialist in Pain ​Management

Pioneer in Traditional ​Chinese Medicine

Huang Wei Ling, born in Taipei - Taiwan on August 21, 1968, immigrated ​with her family to Brazil when she was 1½ years old. She joined the Faculty ​of Medicine at the State University of Londrina, in the State of Parana, in ​Brazil, in July 1986 graduating in July 1992. She specialized in Infectious and ​Parasitic Diseases at the same University (1993-1995) and then moved to the ​City of Franca, in the State of Sao Paulo, where she resides now.

She is a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical ​Nutrition Therapist (1996). She served as an infectologist at the Hospital ​Infection Control Service of the Santa Casa of Franca (Franca's General ​Hospital) from1995 - 2000 and was responsible for the control of all ​prescribed antimicrobial medication at this hospital. She received an award ​for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital infection Control ​Congress, concerning the methodology that she used in the daily practice of ​her antimicrobial control at the above mentioned Hospital, which occurred ​in Campos do Jordão, in the State of Sao Paulo in 1998. She was the ​coordinator of the Hospital Infection Control Committee and Coordinator of ​the São Joaquim Hospital Nutritional Support Committee (2000-2004) and ​worked at the infectious DST Reference Center / AIDS / Hepatitis in the City ​of Franca (1996-2007).

She began her studies in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1997. Since 2007, she has been ​presenting her work worldwide concerning the treatment of various diseases using acupuncture, a medical specialty ​recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine since 1996 in Brazil.

The teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine were linked with Chinese diet therapy and the knowledge of ​Chinese herbal medicine, always showing the necessity of treating the patient as a whole and not just the disease ​(from the teachings of Hippocrates, the father of medicine).

Further studies have led her into studying homeopathy at the Lamasson Institute in the City of Ribeirao Preto, ​Sao Paulo, Brazil, concluded in 2017.

Her first presentation was in 2007 at the 19th Annual Symposium of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture ​(AAMA) in Baltimore, the USA where she presented a case study on the treatment of glaucoma with acupuncture.

In 2008, she was at the 20th Annual Symposium of the AAMA in Washington, the USA presenting four studies: ​Auricular Acupuncture for Open-Angle Glaucoma Treatment; Auricular Acupuncture for the Treatment of ​Lymphedema Post Mastectomy; Leptospirosis Treatment with Acupuncture; and Auricular Acupuncture for the ​treatment of Dizziness. In 2009, she attended the International Congress in Medical Acupuncture (ICMART) in ​Thessaloniki, Greece where she presented orally three studies on acupuncture: “Acupuncture for the Treatment of ​Azoospermia”, “Auricular Acupuncture for the Treatment of Difficultly Controlled Asthma and Cost-saving for ​Medical Plans” and “Acupuncture for the Treatment of Proteinuria in a Patient with Systemic Lupus ​Erythematosus”.

In 2010, she was at the XIV ICMART World Congress on Medical Acupuncture in Riga, Latvia where she gave ​four oral presentations: 1. Auricular Acupuncture Associated with Chinese Phytotherapy and Dietary Counseling in ​the Treatment of Nosocomial Post-surgical Knee Osteomyelitis Resistant to Antibiotics; 2. Treatment of Recurring ​Furuncles Resistant to Antibiotic Therapy with Auricular Acupuncture and Chinese Phytotherapy;3. Diagnosis of ​Hepatopathy through the Macroscopic Analysis of the Ear Assisting in the Precocious Treatment of Chronic ​Hepatitis C; 4. Acupuncture for the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis.

In 2011, she presented at the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture's 23rd Annual Symposium in San ​Diego, California, USA. The two oral presentations were "Auricular Acupuncture in the Treatment of a Benign Penis ​Tumour and Peyronie's Disease" and "Auricular Acupuncture in the Treatment of Low Back Pain".

In 2012, she traveled to 3 different international conferences in the USA, Italy, and India. In the ​USA, she attended the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture's 24th Annual Symposium in ​Atlanta, Georgia where she presented a study: "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the ​Treatment of Insomnia?”

In Italy, she was at the 14th World Congress on Pain in Milan, where she presented a study: "Is ​Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of Headaches?”

In India, she was a guest speaker invited by Dr. Raman Kapur, the President of Acupuncture ​Association of India, presenting three studies at the 15th National Conference of the Acupuncture ​Association of India in New Delhi. The studies presented were: "Auricular Acupuncture in the ​Treatment of Low Back Pain.", "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of ​Insomnia?" and "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of Headaches?”

In June 2012, she published an article: "How Do You Treat Benign Paroxysmal Positional ​Vertigo in Your Practice?" in the Medical Acupuncture, The Official Journal of the American ​Academy of Medical Acupuncture, Volume 24, Number 2. Page 129.

In 2013, she went to different conferences, one in the USA and one in Australia.

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, she attended the Society for Acupuncture Research 2013 ​International Conference presenting two studies: "How Effective is Auricular Acupuncture for ​the Treatment of Cervical Pain?" and "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of ​Headaches?".

Her studies in acupuncture and traditional Chinese therapy in the majority of cases include ​the differences and results concerning the changes in diet including the use and non-use of dairy ​products, as well as apex ear bloodletting in the treatment of different kinds of diseases.

In Sidney, Australia, she presented orally two studies: "Medication, Apex Ear Bloodletting, ​and Diet in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular Acupuncture: a Double-Blind ​Study." and "Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Patients with Anxiety Treated ​with Auricular Acupuncture: A Double-Blind Study." at the WFAS 8th World Conference on ​Acupuncture.

In 2014, she went to two world conferences, one in Beijing, China and the other in Houston, Texas, USA.

In Beijing, she presented three studies:

1. "Dairy Products Restriction and Age Influence in Reducing Fibromyalgia Pain among Patients Treated with ​Auricular Acupuncture: A Double-Blind Study",

2. “Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dietary Counselling in Reducing Knee Pain among Patients Treated with Auricular ​Acupuncture: A Double-Blind Study",

3. "Apex Ear Bloodletting, Dietary Counselling, and Psychotropic Medication in Patients with Anxiety Treated ​with Auricular Acupuncture: A Double-Blind Study", in the CAAM & SAR 2014 International Symposium on ​Acupuncture Research. These studies were also published in JIM, the Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 12, ​Number 3, and May 2014.

In Houston, she attended the WFAS Houston 2014 Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Conference, and ​presented orally two studies: "The Influence of Apex Ear Bloodletting and Dairy Products Restriction in ​Fibromyalgia Patients Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double-Blind Study" and” Apex Ear Bloodletting ​and Dietary Counselling in Reducing Knee Pain among Patients Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double-​Blind Study".

In 2015, she was at the ICMART, International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques, in Bali, ​Indonesia presenting two studies orally: "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of Insomnia?" and ​"Dairy Products Restriction and Age Influence in Reducing Fibromyalgia Pain among Patients Treated with ​Auricular Acupuncture: A Double-Blind Study".

In 2015, she was invited to give a talk on the International Research Conference in Boston, the USA, where she ​presented orally the paper “Acupuncture in the Treatment of Nasal Congestion Due to a Deviated

Septum - a Case Report”. She also was a speaker of the XXXIII Brazilian Congress of Homeopathy, in Campo ​Grande, Brasil, presenting the article “Constitutional homeopathy of the five elements based on traditional ​Chinese medicine”.

She was also invited to give a talk at the 2015 International Research Conference: Reaching across Disciplines ​to Broaden the Acupuncture Research Network, in Boston, the United States, where she presented orally her ​work “Acupuncture with Rectum Auricular Point Bloodletting in the Treatment of Hemorrhoids - A case report”.

In 2016, she was invited to the European Congress for Homeopathy in Vienna, Austria, where she ​presented orally the article “Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional ​Chinese Medicine”.

She was a speaker in the Acupuncture and Well-Being ICMART XVIII World Congress on Medical ​Acupuncture, in Sofia, Bulgaria, where she presented three papers: “Apex ear bloodletting dietary ​counseling and scalp acupuncture in reducing knee pain among patients treated with auricular ​acupuncture - A double-blind study."; "Is Auricular Acupuncture Effective in the Treatment of ​Headaches? A double-blind study " and " Medication, Apex Ear Bloodletting, and Diet in Patients with ​Depression Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double-Blind Study".

In the same year, she was a speaker at the 71st Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis League and ​11º Federacion Asociones Médicas Homeopáticas Argentinas Congress, on Buenos Aires, Argentina, ​where she presented her article "Acupuncture with Rectum Auricular Point Bloodletting in the ​Treatment of Hemorrhoids - A Case Report".

In 2017, she was invited to be a speaker at the ICMART-FILASMA World Congress on Medical and ​Veterinary Acupuncture ICMART-FILASMA, at Ciudad de Mexico, on México. There, she participated in ​the organizing committee as an assistant and presented two papers: "Sangria at the apex of the ear, ​dietary counseling and psychotropic medication in patients with anxiety treated with Auriculopuncture" ​and Son the Acupuncture Guides Adequate with respect to the Time that of Permanence of the Needles?”

Also in the same year, she was part of the BIT’s Annual World Congress of Hig-Tech Acupuncture and ​Integrative Medicine, where she was part of the organizing committee, in Xi’an, China. She was invited ​to make a presentation at the 13th World Congress on Infection Prevention and Control, on Rome, Italy, ​where she presented two papers: "Can hospital osteomyelitis be treated without the use of antibiotics?" ​And "Why patients still catch hospital infections despite the practice of infection prevention and control ​programs".

In 2018, she was a speaker at the 22nd Edition of International Conference on Immunology and ​Evolution of Infectious Diseases, on Frankfurt, Germany, the two papers "Can autoimmune hepatitis be ​treated without the use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs?" and "Can recurrent ​furunculosis be treated without the use of antibiotics?”.

Also in 2018, she published in the Journal of Clinical Review and Case Reports, the article "Can ​the Use of Earrings Cause Eye Pain?", available online. Also published in the International Journal ​of Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, the article "Can hospital osteomyelitis be treated ​without the use of antibiotics", also available online. She also published the article “Can ​Leptospirosis Be Treated Without Any Kind of Medication?” on the Journal of Clinical Review and ​Case Reports, and also on the Acta Scientific Microbiology, where she published the article “Why ​do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and ​Control Programs?”.

In June 2018, she was a special guest in Dubai, in the Global Physicians and Healthcare Congress ​where she presented the works “Why do Patients Still Have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of ​Psychotropic Medications”, “Could your Eating Habits be affecting your Sleep and How Can We ​treat it Without Using Drugs?”, “Can recurrent furunculosis be treated without the use of ​antibiotics?” and “Can autoimmune hepatitis be treated without the use of corticosteroids and ​immunosuppressive drugs?”.

In August 2018, she was a special guest in Tokyo, in the Global Experts Meeting on Infectious ​Diseases, where she presented the works “Why do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infectious Despite ​the Practice of Infection Control Programs?” and “Can Hospital Osteomyelitis Be Treated Without ​the Use of Antibiotics?”. In the same mouth, she also attended as a guest in Cape Town, South ​Africa, where she presented the work “Constitutional Homoeopathy of the five elements based on ​Traditional Chinese Medicine”.

Research Interest

Treatment of a variety of disease using Traditional Chinese Medicine reasoning

·Excessive use of technology

·Emotional relation with diseases

·Dietary Therapies


2023- International Research Awards on Science, Technology and Management. INSO Awards. India.

2022- International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine. Coimbatore, India.

2021– International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine. Visakhapatnam, India.

2018 –Dynamic Woman Award, City Council of Franca-SP, Nirley de Souza (PP).

2017- Dynamic Woman Award, City Council of Franca-SP, Nirley de Souza (PP).

2012 – Pain Specialist Title, Brazilian Society of Pain Studies.

2012 – Merit Award for the Important Services Provided – Tribute to the “Mulher Dinâmica” day, City ​Hall, Franca-SP.

2001 – Acupuncture Specialist Title, Brazilian Association, and Acupuncture School – SP.

1998 – Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Specialist Title, Brazilian Society of Parenteral and Enteral ​Nutrition and Brazilian Medical Association.

1998 – Infectious Disease Doctor Specialist, Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo. 1998 – ​General Practice Specialist, Brazilian Society of General Practice associated with the Brazilian Medical ​Association – SP.

​​1998 – Dr. Marcos Haref Fungaro Award of Best Presented Paper: “The influence of Assessments in ​SCIH about the antibiotic prescription, VI Brazilian Congress of Nosocomial Infectious Disease ​Control

Professional Memberships and Collaborations

·1998 - Infectious Disease Brazilian Society

·1998 - Brazilian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and Brazilian Medical Association

·1998 - Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo

·1998 - Brazilian Society of General Practice associated with the Brazilian Medical Association – SP

·2012 - Brazilian Society of Pain Studies

·2001 - Brazilian Association and Acupuncture School – SP

·1997 - Brazilian UNIMED linked doctor.

·2012 - International Association of Study of Pain

·2009 - American Academy of Medical Acupuncture - AAMA

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Unid 1 - Rua. Homero Pachêco Alves 1929 - Centro, Franca - SP

+55 (16) 3721-2437

Unid 2 - R. David de Oliveira, 2931 - Chacara Santo Antonio - Franca SP